Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Mirror NSV and The Co-op Bounty

1. The Mirror: Yep, I can see a difference, again. My trainer even mentioned, like three times, today. Arms, belly, hips. Noticeably reduced. In some positions, I can place my hands or arms closer (less fat in the way). I can squeeze my thighs together more tightly in legwork, as the fat in my inner thigh is reduced enough to allow me to bring legs closer. That was really, really hard 30 pounds ago. NSV happy jiggitty jig!

2. The Co-op: Glad it's pick-up day (gonna get showered and dressed after I blog this). Here's what is in my share (one full share, no add-ons this week):

.           Small Icebox Watermelon
·         Tiny Sugar Seckel Pears
·         Comice Pears
·         Fair Trade Bananas
·         Local FL Tangerines
·         Local FL Cucumber or Zucchini or Eggplant#
·         Local FL Grape Tomatoes
·         Scallions
·         Cilantro
·         Romaine Lettuce
·         Pablano Peppers
·         Hass Avocados
·         Spinach
·         Collards
·         Butternut Squash
·         Cauliflower
·         Broccollette

Hope you're drinking your water (challenge-mates, everyone) and eating within your caloric limit. Let's get the fat off!