Wednesday, February 29, 2012

LEAP DAY GIVEAWAY: Ready to Transform? WIN AN EBOOK to read on your laptop, smartphone, Kindle...

We only get a February 29th once every 4 years. So, I'm gonna do something to celebrate it.

An ebook giveaway. I love books. I love ebooks. I have found books ESSENTIAL for learning and for keeping up my motivation on my journey of transformation. I've mentioned many books that have been pivotal for me, here, on this blog.

So, if you are getting ready to embark on your weight loss/life change, and you've had many years of issues with obesity, how about TRANSFORMATION ROAD by Sean Anderson? This is very much a first person, memoir type of account of how he finally got a handle on his eating, controlled his calories, changed his life, and became a hottie. Um, that last part was just my opinion, NOT HIS.

The amazon ebooks are readable on any computer and, naturally, on Kindles, smartphones... I use both my Kindles and my laptop to read my ebooks, no problem. So, this is the new millenium. I'm giving away EBOOKS, not hard copy books. Got it? :D

If you already read TRANSFORMATION ROAD or already bought it, then you can choose from one of the following:

WILLPOWER! by Gillian Riley
The New Evolution Diet by Arthur de Vany, Ph.D.
Pilates Illustrated by Portia Page
The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf
The Smarter Science of Slim by Jonathan Bailor
(You can choose the eWorkbook, instead, if you have this already)
The Perfect Health Diet by the Jaminets 
Coach Yourself Thin by G. Hottinger, MPH RD and M. Scholtz, MA
Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis
Made to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst

To give an ebook/Kindle book as a gift, I will need your email address.

To enter this giveaway, leave a comment UNDER THIS BLOG POST specifying how you want to transform and what you think is your major obstacle. Make sure you include an email address (even if you disguise it, ex:  janedoe atsy gmail dotsy com).  I will choose a winner at random from the comment entries and announce the winner in a post next week.

If you want an extra entry, you simply have to promise to review the book you win on your blog or website or facebook within the next couple of months. That's it..just pass on the good word to someone if an author's work has been of help to you in your transforming LEAP!

This leap day, jump over your wall, jump across the barrier, and leap into your new self. Begin the new journey or reinvigorate the current journey  RIGHT

Are you leaping?

Do it...and be well...

Note: More informational interviews continue at The Paleo Summit. I strongly, strongly,STRONGLY recommend the interview with Mat LaLonde, Ph.D., an research biochemist at Harvard U., who discusses things like anti-nutrients (the hype, the science reality). Interesting, informative stuff, and he is a clear speaker (as much as I like Dr. Jaminet, he's just not gifted with verbal fluidity or verve).  Don't be intimidated by the "science" of it. He's very understandable.

Note Plus: THIN FOR LIFE is a bargain book RIGHT NOW on amazon (less than 6 bucks). This is a compilation of successful maintainers and how they do it. It's not a new book...but it was a helpful book to me years ago to show me if I was gonna do this, things had to change RADIACLLY, and here were the case studies to prove it. No magic bullet, folks. :)


Karen Butler Ogle said...

M! ME! Pick ME! I want to win Willpower. You have seen how I've struggled lately and I would love to read what an expert has to say about battling cravings and overcoming those urges to overeat. I would be happy to post a review of the book on my blog. I've done such things from time to time. My email is karenogle133 at charter dot net.

Love that you are doing a giveaway. So much fun and it made me smile on a difficult day. :)

Julie said...

Oh girl, Will Power would be what I really could stand. Or something like Eat this Not That. Really I love reading all these books, anything to help me in this journey that a struggle right now.
Take care Mir and have a blessed evening. I'm pooped and need to go to bed but it's only 7:15... :o)

Jane Cartelli said...

I have already read Sean book but I would love to read something else you suggest.

I am always working on the three legged stool: emotional transformation, spiritual transformation and physical transformation. For this Leap Year I choose Physical.

I want to leap into a physical transformation. I want my arms not to hang down like wings. I want my tummy to not have flat tires of empty skin and I want my thighs to no longer have waves of loose flesh. Having lost 220 pounds and having spend a couple of years exercising, I know the skin is not going away. What is holding me back: I do not have the money for the surgeries and I have not yet found a creative way to barter for it.

And I will be happy to review any book I might be lucky enough to win.

Casey said...

I'd like to read most of these books, but if I had to choose... your top three listed would be my top picks, too.
I think about how much time I've wasted wishing I were thinner and fit, and not doing anything about it. I really want my kids to see me making wise food choices and choosing to exercise instead of eating junk and sitting around. But most of all I want to be thinner and fit because I am worth it.

Nanette N. said...

Don't know how I missed this post! I want in! :)

My major obstacle is apathy. Apathy about eating some crap. Apathy about a work out. I've done well enough to fight it... But the more I learn about the science of our bodies the more I understand how much each decision MATTERS.

I want to transform to a healthier person. To a habitually active person.

Email: probablynan @

Chinagirl said...

I want to win the book! Never HAVE won a book so far. :-)
I want to be transformed in my thinking. I need to see myself as a person that makes good choices and that likes exercise. My biggest obstacle is my weakness for sugar (cake, ice cream, chocolate). And my lack of being able to fight, fight for a healthy body.