Tuesday, April 10, 2012

OMG, I found my "before" pic top, size 30/32! Trying it on..with other clothes from then on me NOW! Lotsa Pics!

I gave a yelp! Did you hear it?

I was going through tubs of old, stored clothes. I filled up two and half lawn and leaf bags worth--those 39 gallon capacity ones--of clothes to toss, and filled one bag with clothes to give away (ie, in good condition or still had tags on).

Then I found... THAT shirt. The black embroidered tunic top that I wear in the pic you see as my before/highest-weight shot. (It's both in the upper left sidebar and in the the Progress Pics page). Well, here is that old pic:

And here is the shirt on me TODAY, with a 121 lb difference:

I tried to turn to the angle in the 2004 pic.
I gathered up the shirt to show body difference.

I can fit a teen in here with me!

And that's not all. I found a workout top from Junonia I used to love cause it's my "signature" colors --ie, black and red. Junonia was the place I had to go to for 4x and 3x workout-wear way back when. Here I am in that top at 278 lbs in Jan of 2009 at a local state park, racoon in background:

I'd been doing Pilates for 6 months and
felt BETTER, but obviously...just getting
started on my mojo. Food not under control!

And the same top today, found in the tub along with others from my "biggest" periods:

Loads of SPACE.
You can see my piles of
sorting mess on the bed!

Side view to compare with side view above.
And here is my favest red top from my highest weight time, size 30/32, both wide and gathered:
This used to be snug in the chest/belly

I love this color and print and fabric
and style combo--and so comfy--
that I hesitate even now to toss it. Sigh...

I tried some other stuff from the "biggest periods" clothes:

These used to be my GO TO fave pants.
These are 3x, as I don't have any 4x ones left.
I threw those out. I can hide in these during
a hurricane. ; ) They did used to sit at my waist.
These next, are NOT stretch pants. These were dress pants, zipper and button type, that were at my highest size: 28. I'm 14 now. Half that size. I buttoned and zipped them, and still had this much space. Remember, these ain't stretch!!!~~

I did find a top from my 4x highest weight period. This is a workout top, another from Junonia:

And now a skirt:

After all that, I got dressed for my walk. Seeing my progress--SEEING it and FEELING it--makes me not want to ever go back there again:
Determined NOT to go back to that!

Be well.


Jane Cartelli said...

I would have thought you were your mother in the before photos. As Kristi so adequately wrote: WOW

Bluezy said...

You got the curves and that red does you so well!!!

karen said...

What a reinforcing discovery! I hope you can "hand down" or donate those clothes...

Unknown said...

You're such an inspiration! *Wow*

Anonymous said...

You look Uh-mazing! Wow, thank you for posting the pics!

Debsdailylife said...

Saturday a very dear friend asked me if I had "Jared jeans"? something to remind me and encourage me when I get frustrated. I realize, I gave everything away. I thot that by keeping them I was giving myself permission to go back there. NOW, that Im stronger, I wish I wouldve kept a few items. Motivation!!

Jo said...

What a motivating day you have had! Yeah, if there was anything to show you exactly how far you have come, and that you don't want to go back there, this is it. Man!

Nanette N. said...

awesome!!! Such an inspiration... as I'd started at size 30/32 also. Though that is FINALLY CHANGING!I'll have to hang on to a few choice items to remind me. :)

Karla said...


Karen said...

Awesome photos. Good motivation. :). Love it. Karen P

Anonymous said...

How wonderful that you saved your clothes! At first I was like never mind your clothes, look at your face, then as I scrolled down - My GOSH you are so tiny. I love the suprised look on your face in the third pic down. So cute.

Love your pride lady!

MizTori said...

Wow, you look great Mir!!

Julie said...

You are beautiful in red. I love that color on you. You have done so amazingly well and have such a great body to show for it. I gave my fat stuff away because my daycare mom was following in my footsteps but started up a little bigger so as I lost I shared so a good cause but now wishin I had saved one thing. Kim told me to keep one. Oh well didn't listen. Sorta like my before pictures, I hate the camera so not to many of them.
Keep up the great work Mir. Blessings!!

Chinagirl said...

You really look so different now. Full of energy and ready to hug the world. Amazing! Thanks for sharing your pictures with us.

El said...

best.post.ever!!! love this!! thanks for all the pics. i just did a before/after face shot of myself on my blog today. funny that i dont see a difference unless its all laid out in a photo for me

Erika said...

That's awesome! I love seeing people's before/after shots. It looks like you also lost about 15 years, too, my friend! How AWESOME!

Susan Bodendo/Super Earthling said...

Oh my God...what an amazing difference! Huge congrats to you for such an remarkable achievement. You look years younger, not to mention so much happier.

I've never met you but this post makes me wish I could pull you into a hug--and then cry happy tears! :D

Thanks for the inspiration!


Fatgirltrying said...

Wow! That's amazing! I really hope I can get there too!!! I'm saving a pair of jeans and a dress for the "end of the journey" day! =)

God bless!

Beth said...

What fun! I love this post! I am saving the size 22's that I'm currently wearing - I want to be able to "fit a teen" into them, lol.

That is so cool that you found your before clothes - keep them so you have that forensic reminder of your previous size, it's so easy to forget once you are slim.

I agree with Jane, you look so much younger since losing the weight, it really did you favours age wise.

Happy days.

PS - Send me some of your old clothes, I really like them and I only have 1 pair of jeans and 1 fleece that fit, lol. ;-)

lindalou said...

People tell me that I look so much younger since I lost weight...256 - 162....huge compliment.

And I see that in YOU...so much younger looking...REALLY...keep it up, you're on a roll here!!

Crystal said...

Just found your blog, what an inspiration! Congrats on looking amazing!

The Fat Foreigner said...

That red top you love, it looks like it would pretty simple to take it to a tailor and get it converted into a dress? The extra material they take out could be used for the waistband belt area I would think. Maybe worth thinking about, it would be a pretty cool thing to do with a before top.

As for the size of my apartment, I think in terms of sq footage it may be slightly bigger (my old place was a one bedroom, but I had that spare room) but it's closer than you'd think. The space in my Chinese one is just thought out a lot better, and it's much more modern and pretty!

Bluezy said...

Say...I bet that people you have not seen since you lost weight don't even know it is you! And I know you go to Miss April's 30 b4 30 blog since her change..I have no way to communicate that I was wondering how her journey is going.

PlumPetals said...

Absolutely amazing!!! :D

lv2 said...

Just WOW!

Celine said...

The progress you made is unbelievable ! I'm speechless...

InWeighOverMyHead said...

soooooooo amazing!!!!!

Jillian said...

These pictures are super inspiring. Thank you for posting them, and for kicking my butt about working out this week! Can't wait to read your update for RFSC!

The Kaizen Project said...

You have come a long way and you look great! Way to go :)

Jenn said...

WOW! Those before/after pics are truly amazing! Unbelievable!! Congrats on a job well done. :D

safire said...

Congratulations!!! That's a whole lotta extra fabric!

I want to visit Miami so much! I really need to make a trip down there and enjoy everything. I'll keep in mind to make a trip there in the Fall :)

Susie said...

That is amazing! You've really, really come so far and you look fantastic! I really enjoyed reading this!

Kelly said...

WOW. I mean, WOW! You don't even look like the girl in the before pic. You look like a completely different person! Terrific transformation! You could fit an Olsen twin in those old dress pants with you! :-)

Angela Pea said...

Mir, that is absolutely AMAZING!! I'm so happy for you.

The gorgeous red top with the flowing sleeves? Take it apart and remake it smaller. It's a stunning color on you!

Anonymous said...

These ladies has really worked too hard to lose such a significant amount of weight and become a source of inspiration for all. Loosing such a huge amount of weight needs balanced diet and regular exercise.\
Beyond diet Isabel De Los Rios

Lyn said...

Just now seeing this, and you look amaaazing! Really very inspiring. You have done an awesome job with the weight loss!