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268--10 pounds more than when I started this blog |
299 lbs--highest weight |
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278 pounds in 2009 |
What does this mean?
Originally, the title of this blog was "Two Years To Happy Weight After". I chose that name because I wanted to start fresh, with a new weight loss blog--the previous once was Once Upon A Diet--one that was goal-oriented, specific, and accountable. I decided I'd weigh-in weekly--publicly. I'd put up before pictures for all to see. And then the series of after pictures (as progress occurred). I gave myself two years to get out of obesity and hit goal weight of 160.
Being goal-oriented and specific helped. It really was a game-changer. No fudging or avoiding. I put it out there: what I wanted, what I'd do, what I was doing, when I was struggling, when I was sailing.
My highest weight at my home scale was 299. At the doc's scale, 303.
I began Once Upon a Diet in May of 2007 at 279 lbs.
I began this blog in September of 2010 at 258 lbs.
I am now 172.6 lbs, as of today.
I did not make 160 goal weight.
I did make and surpass my " happy weight" as defined on my previous blog, that is, 175 lbs. The weight I could live at and be happy, even if overweight.
178 lbs |
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180 lbs |
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178 lbs May 2012 |
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172.6 lbs, today |
For the record, 160 is considered overweight of 5'6". I never aimed for skinny.
I am overweight. But I am okay with it. I don't discount trying to hit 160 still, but for now, I'm focusing on MAINTAINING.
I have good reason to take this seriously at this point.
My first post here on this blog referred to two bloggers who inspired me, both had lost a lot of weight and left obesity behind.
One is now obese again.
The other I have no idea, as the blog has gone private.
I know maintenance is hard. Do you know it? Believe it.
Most folks FAIL at it.
Whether they get to lean or just to "not obese," most fail.
So, I'm aiming to hold on, stay in the 170s. If I can find super-mojo and work on getting to 160's, amen and hallelujah. But I've lost 126 pounds and I've got a lot of odds against me. I want to win this war and, for now, that war is called Maintenance. Keeping the Pounds Off.
It's enough work for me right now.
I'm really glad I created this blog. I'm glad I joined Allan's challenges. I'm glad I hosted several challenges and was able to motivate myself and help others in the process.
I'm going to copy and paste that first post on September 3, 2010. I hope some of you out there who need to get out of morbid obesity or obesity will take heart and give yourself time. Don't focus on crash diets. I gave myself two years, and now I give myself the rest of my life to work on this. Give yourself the time you need to change your mindset.
I still have tons of work to do to reestablish and keep good habits.
If you've lost motivation, find it again. Fight for it. I plan to.
If you haven't started the journey--get prepared: Clean out the crap food from your house. Read solid books on good eating and LEARN, LEARN, LEARN. Get moving, consistently, often, even if it's a walk around your neighborhood every other day or dancing in your living room before you go to work. Go to the gym, if you can afford it. Lift heavy stuff with a video teacher, if you can't afford the gym.
Buy real food. Learn to prepare it simply and pleasantly. Watch the calories. Set a limit and stick to it. Drink water. Lots of it. Give those dangerous drive-thrus a pass. Learn what foods trigger you to eat more. Ditch them from your life.
Set goals. Specific ones. Daily ones. Weekly. Monthly. Annually. Goals with time-frames and actions steps to achieve them. Specific, concrete, real, measurable ones. Not pie in the sky vague ones. NOt, "I'll try better." But lay out what "try better" really is and how you do it, step by step.
Work on the inner issues, emotional and spiritual and mental. Get help from pros if you have serious ones.
Save money and get a trainer. Budget for some dietitian visits. See a cognitive therapist if you can't seem to get past some issues.
It's worth giving up some perks and entertainments--Starbucks, movies, a vacation trip, magazines, those brand name heels, that new electronic toy--to get healthy.
You may fall short, like me, but falling short can sometimes still mean gaining a hella lot. I'm not 300 lbs anymore. I'm not obese anymore. I feel better. I look better. Daily life is just better when health improves and limbs are more flexible and clothes fit better and you can sit in chairs in public and not worry they will break. Sex is better. Sleep is better. The camera isn't as scary.
Life is just better.
I wish you well if you're starting your journey. Believe in your ability to do it starting TODAY!
Okay, here's that first post:
Friday, September 3, 2010
DAY 1--Starting Fresh with A Clear Goal--Two years to happy weight
It occurred to me yesterday--and re-occurred yet again to me today--that I'm not terribly clear on my goals unless I'm in a challenge. Even in challenges, I tend to slack off and lose sight of stuff.
My original weight loss blog, Once Upon a Diet, began with the idea of using fairy tale/fantasy themes (as I'm an SF otaku), and in the beginning, I really tried to keep to that theme in terms of labels and ideas.
But the blog itself was vague: Once...once...that's vague.
This one will not be vague. I have kept the theme in the title--"Happy Ever Weight" as a play on "happily ever after" fairy tale endings in conjunction with fatfighter-speak of "happy weight", the weight one could live with as opposed to the ideal that may be unrealistic for many or most (because of the deprivations involved to be low medical chart weight).
I was very happy to see two fellow fatfighting bloggers reach the goals enshrined in their blog titles:
Lyn from ESCAPE FROM OBESITY blog has literally escaped: She is now merely "overweight," and no longer obese. How beautiful is that? I applaud her effort, persistence, and insightful blog posts. (Do look at her recipes, some are so numsy.) Lyn rocks and I do not doubt she will be "normal" weight before long. Congrats, Lyn.
Dawne, whose blog used to be called "365 Days to a New Me"...well, she did it. And she's now a new Dawne, 84 lbs lighter and looking terrific too! Do click that link and the pics of her transformation and her reflections/recap. She's retitled her blog to "It's My Time" as she begins a new year. I'm sure it's going to be even better. Dawne is a huge inspiration and her deep spiritual perspective is encouraging.
I like the idea--like it VERY much--of having a clear goal in the blog title. Whether to "escape from obesity" or become new in 365 days or... in my case here, be at a happy weight--I selected 160 lbs--2 years...I think just logging on is a reminder of what I am here to do with this blog. Get healthier by getting to a healthy weight.
I don't want it to be a fairy tale. I just want the fairy tale ending.
I will keep my old blog, Once Upon a Diet, up for reference. I have many excellent posts and reflections, if I say so myself, as well as pictures and resources. And I want to be able to look back at my own milestones. So, yes, I'm keeping it. But this is where I'll be from now on...with a clear goal in mind.
I will discuss my shorter term goals and plans in coming posts, and I will institute a weigh-in day, etc. I hope you continue to support me as you did in my previous blog. I hope you continue to follow me, if you did so before.
New beginnings...thank God we can always have them.
Blessing to you today. Let's all be renewed to our goals...
Girl I am so proud of all that you have acomplished. You have come so far and have changed so much. I'm still working on the losing, because I can't seem to maintain yet. For a while we were the same weight, it was awesome then. One day again we'll share the same weight but for now good luck with your maintaining and me with my losing.
Take care Mir and thank you for stopping by. Blessings my friend!
Awesome post and awesome blog. You rock!!! Your advice is spot on!!! So glad that you made your journey.
And,I'm happy to have company in weight maintenance. We are stronger together. Glad to be in community with you.
Maintenance is a lot of work, but it is do-able. I know you'll be successful if you work at it like you did loss.
Congrats on your success. Karen P (72 pounds down, 7 months maintnence ).
Ps. You look fantastic. :)
You have done an amazing job. It takes patience and perseverance (and a whole lot of work) to get to where you are now. Your advice to those who are still on the journey or are struggling is so important to keep in mind.
Wow, great job! You look amazing. What a difference in your before and after pictures. I bet you feel awesome!
Great post (I tried to post "Great Post!" on your last post but I just couldn't get the comments to work.)
Congrats on your 3 years and what a roaring successful 3 years it has been! I've found it difficult watching many of the bloggers that I followed who had lost the weight regain the weight or go offline when things got tough. Of course I have lost and regained all of my weight in the course of my blog so I'm not pointing any fingers.
It's so tough and you are beating the odds, I'm so glad that you are marking these milestones, putting in the time and continuing to motivate yourself. I am feeling a bit of weight loss mojo returning and am even feeling motivated to start counting calories which is something I have not been able to do here recently due to mental health issues.
Anyhoozle, congrats on 3 years of win win win and thanks for sharing and inspiring along the way. Here's to many more years of successful maintenance.
Mir! I'm so happy to see your name in my reader this morning.
You HAVE done an amazing job, and I'll agree with you that maintenance is hard. Sugar is devious and is always trying to wiggle its way back into my life.
You will continue to beat the odds!
Wow! 126 pounds lost is impressive. My only comment is don't get too hung up on the scale. Notice how your clothes feel. Scales can be deceiving in the sense that they don't tell us how much fat we have on our bodies. 5 pounds of fat weighs the same as 5 pounds of muscle, but boy does it feel different when it's on you.
Great job on losing the weight, and good luck maintaining it.
Thanks for great information you write it very clean. I am very lucky to get this tips from you
Weight Loss Centers
Just catching up here - my how I've missed you!
You look wonderful all the time... you just look GREAT!
Now - Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
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