Thursday, December 2, 2010

In case you're wondering if all this water REALLY does any good....

I am a convert to the "drink a boatload of water" philosophy. I've seen how it has helped me, particularly if I drink 4 to 6 glasses before meals and at least 2 to 4 more in the hour or so after. I notice I'm hungrier the days I drink less.

But, just in case you want some info in the more scientific-ey vein, I came across this link in an article today:

Water-induced thermogenesis, huh? That's one more plus for the agua....

I've never, ever, ever in my life until this past month plus been a consistent water drinker. I am a new convert to the habit. If I didn't have to run to the bathroom every 30 mins, I'd say it was a jolly wonderful thing. I'll just have to say it's a helpful tool....and ask my nethers to forgive the constant wipe-abuse.



Tamzin said...

I hear you. the paper at my office is like sandpaper!!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you about water and hunger. I notice a difference when I don't drink the usual amount, both in mouth dryness and hunger.

by the way you can buy those soft little towels to ease the abuse.... Just saying... :)

Stepping On Cheerios said...

I hate water...but I know I really need to up my intake. Why do I hate it so much???

Colleen said...

I am really trying to work on my water intake. I usually do really good with my water intake for three or four days in a row then I get tired of it and slack off. So I'm really making the effort going forward to get my water intake up. Thanks for the reminder!
