Friday, March 16, 2012

Praying for ya, Miss April!

I finally had a nice, calm space of time and the mood to read some of my bloggy pals whose blogs I had missed catching up with, and, whoa, I noticed Miss April of 30 by 30 blog went private. I emailed her, and then did some googling. And I found this explanation.

Oh, bummer. Bad stuff happening.

Sorry, April. God's healing blessings on James and peace and calm from Heaven prayed down for YOU.

I hope you are back soon. Your lovely voice will be missed by many, I'm sure. Your strong and loving spirit will bring James through to health again, I know!

I hope the other wonderful blogging fatfighters out there are thriving. Happy Friday!


Carbie Girl said...

Check you out, like a little detective <3 I was worried too and sent her an email but havent heard back. Prayers for her and her man, life can be such a beast :( Hope you, on the other hand have a great weekend <3

Anonymous said...

Thank you. :) Things are moving in a very positive direction for the recovery.... now if my mental and/or emotional energy could get a boost - things would be much better.