So, why am I so eager to hear Chris? Well, I've got high LDL. I am also not euthyroid, and my thyroid going bonkers is probably part of this problem. We'll see once I'm euthyroid.
A lot of folks doing Primal, Paleo, low-carb, or high fat diets like to dismiss high cholesterol (like high LDL, which is not so rare on this type of eating), because HDL and Triglycerides tend to become amazing eating this way. For this reason, it's good to hear what Chris has to say.
Chris Kresser on cholesterol
The cholesterol hypothesis has its staunch proponents as well as its skeptics. So who’s right? Chris presents the latest research demonstrating why elevated cholesterol scores should not be dismissed by the skeptics. He also explains why a high cholesterol score is not always cause for a prescription.
Presentation Correction: The ideal total cholesterol:HDL ratio should be between 3 – 4. A ratio of 2 would be too low. (Submitted by Chris Kresser)
I plugged Dr. Tom O'Bryan's interview on gluten last week. I'm plugging it again. Very much worth listening to.
The most basic Paleo Diet recommendation is the removal of gluten. But did you know that gluten sensitivity goes well beyond the digestive tract? Dr. O’Bryan reveals the latest research on how gluten consumption may lead to autoimmune disease, osteoporosis, and muscle pain without digestive symptoms.
If you are a science person, seems like you can easily skip the third encore lecture by Dr. Jack Kruse on leptin circadian cycles. Or read the critique and overview here and decide. Note, there is a lot of sarcasm and scoffing at bad science, so if that's something you're very sensitive to, there ya go. It's also really funny in a snarky way.
Evelyn also critiqued Doc's blog post that coincided with his paleo interview date.
Evelyn also critiqued Doc's blog post that coincided with his paleo interview date.
you look amazing. this is the first time that i visited your blog. incredible. i really really needed this today. it IS possible!
My CrossFit gym put this up.... I love it all so far! I only wish I could go to Austin... what... next week or so?
Bah - maybe next year!
This comment is off topic. Feel free to delete after reading dear Princess -
A few posts ago on my blog you mentioned a blogger I had given up on. I just wanted you to know I didn't give up on her. I backed off, stopped reading every day but I still prayed for her and occasionally reached out with a comment. She in turn contacted me to talk. I still support her but I do it off the radar more than on. I really do believe that together we get better.
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