Saturday, October 29, 2011

CDCC Update #7: A new low, a week of rest (and bit of wheezing and aching), and veggie sushi cravings...

Tanita-san: 179.2

1 pound down from last week, but more significantly, it puts me at the 120 lbs off, ticker-wise, and it's a break from the weird little stuck scale and eerie 180.4 repetitions of weeks past. :)

I had been a bit unwell since Monday. Allergies--stuffier nose, a bit wheezier bronchii, rashy bits on neck and arms. I've also been having bad joint pains. Part of me wonders if the 1 point increase in my TSH can be behind some stuff (itchiness, joint pain, less energies on some days). Could be. I know I have no steroid buffer now (not for over 2 months), so I am feeling the pollens more than I would were I medicated up the wahoo.

Food front: I still stick to about 2 meals/2 meals + snack. This week, mostly 2 meals plus snack. It seems to be the eating pattern that satisfies me most, as I can get two good-sized meals and then not be hungry for many hours, and not think about food at all between meals. I like that. NOT thinking about food other than when I get the, "Oh, I'm hungry. Time to eat" signal. Most of this year, in fact, has been in that, "Food is not obsessing my brain" mode, and may it stay that way. I hated going to bed thinking about breakfast, eating breakfast and thinking about lunch, eating lunch and wondering about dinner....

I don't get cravings much anymore, not the daily or multiple times daily like in the past, so when I got hit with sushi cravings, I decided to give in, since the nori might help some with the thyroid thing. Ya never know. Could help. So, I've had sushi (and the rice, egads!, the carbs) 3x this week. I can't have seafood, so it's vegetarian stuff. I have whey protein or chicken or eggs to round out the protein when I have sushi. It's been nice. I put it on a pretty square Japanese platter, drink green tea or oolong with it, and just watch an anime to get into my J-vibe. :D

I also rested a lot this week. The wheeziness and achy joints means I pretty much took it easy. I walked 2x and did Pilates once (cancelled Monday's appt, as I just was feeling seriously tired).

Energy was back higher on a few days, lower on others. I am thinking it's good I see the endo in 1.5 months (I normally see her every 6 months), cause I really need to get back in my happy TSH zone. I am having too many "thyroid is off" symptom--like weird chills now and then.

The rest was nice. I admit it, just vegging out sometimes is psychically therapeutic, even if part of me is thinking, "Oh, I wanna go walk."

Calories have been in the 1500, a bit less some days, a bit more other days. Fluids are great. I have posted on some challenger blogs. But my energy level is not at peak this week--fighting allergies and asthma uptick takes its toll, I'm afraid--so my apologies to the fellow bloggers that I missed.

I'm very pleased with my 1 pound loss, I must say. I was worried about not moving as much as I'm used to. I console myself with De Vany's idea that it's good to surprise the body. Work harder some weeks. Rest some. Eat very light some days. Eat heavier some. Just keep the body guessing.

Maybe I needed to do just that.

Happy weekend, folks. And be well...


lv2 said...

Nice on the weight change. When my allergies flare now....I always have more problems with my's probably the inflammatory effect. I tend to get itchy eyes and fatigue you may be having a mixture of the lowish thyroid and the allergy both. Would your endo let you come in or get a lab check on the TSH early to see if you need a little more thyroid? Hope you start to feel better soon.

downsizers said...

My doctor kept checking my thyroid. The TSH was up then down but never really bad enough to treat so I read up a little and found that Kelp is high in iodine so I have been taking that ever since and have not had any symptoms. You might want to give it a try.

Anne H said...

I love your blog cuz it's all good and you know it!
It all works out - even if it's not fast as lightening!

Angela Pea said...

My mind is staggered at the 120 pounds. One. Hundred. Twenty. Pounds. That's how much my oldest offspring, Cherry Ames, weighs!

Mir, you are so amazing and so determined. I am so very, very proud of you and all of your hard work.

Julie said...

I have major issues with my thyroid also. In fact have been having it check every 2-3 months because can't find a happy place. Dose is way up now but still feeling whacky. It is hard. I know my chiropractor says more iodine in my diet will help.
Good on the pound off, scale moving is great. Take care and have a blessed week.

Jane Cartelli said...

Keep the water going. You are doing great. I am having sushi tomorrow (with fish). The rice is a concern but I must have my sushi fix. If you knew that 7 years ago I would not have walked into sushi place, let alone eat there . . . I m glad you do not eat the fish. . . more in the ocean for me!

I seek out rolls with less rice and get salads with nigri.


Karen Butler Ogle said...

Congrats on the 120 pound loss, Princess. You should be very proud of all your hard work. You deserve the good health you have found. I'm sorry that your allergies have kicked in again. I was hoping you could avoid it this year. I hope it won't be necessary for you to go on steroids again. I know that would mess up your loss. Hang in there, dear. :)

Bluezy said...

My new neighbor suffers from allergies. Having read your blog, I had a greater compassion for her. I was thinking about you. If only all this hard work you do with your health and body could alleviate all the allergic suffering! I feel for you, girl.

120 lbs whoo hoo! You may not feel it, but you look Marrrrrrvelous!

Becki said...

Sounds likena good week over all. Comgrats on the weight loss. I think it's hard when you don't feel good to do what you need to do. So good for you. Keep moving forward.

Mrs. O said...

Thanks for the great suggestion you offered me.

After reading this post, I think my body is fighting my decrease in steroids. I had been taking 1 oral and 1 for my nose; I stopped both of those about a month ago. Well, my arthritis is acting up something awful and I am having so much nose stuffiness it disrupted my sleep for the past couple of nights. Maybe upping my allergy meds will help. Funny thing is, when I'm in FL, I rarely have to use any of my allergy or bronchial meds. :)

Mrs. Bradley said...

Congrats on that awesome milestone. WTG. Thanks for all u do to help keep us honest and on track.

Unknown said...

Awesome total loss! I'm all wheezing too & I can really tell that it throws me off my game! I need to lose what you have us some do I need to get my head in it so I can keep at it like you have!