Saturday, September 3, 2011

Today Marks ONE YEAR Since This Blog Began...Happy Blogiversary to ME!

I began this blog last year on my dad's birthday. He's not alive. But I was and am and wanted to begin my journey on that special day. Dad lived to be a couple weeks short of 90, and most of his life, he was a hardy, strong, very slim, well-muscled man who looked easily 15 years younger than his true age.

I wanted to honor the vibrant health of his non-declining years--and extend my own life, the one he and mom gave me--by starting over on my weight loss journey.

I had a blog for weight loss that I began May of 2007. I made some progress, learned, made contacts in the bloggy world, had many setbacks, but never again regained to high weight of 299. I didn't lose more than 41 pounds with that one in those 3+ years. So, I decided to give it a really good and focused shot, a totally goal-oriented one.

That commitment resulted in starting this blog with UTTER accountability. I posted lots of pics. I posted lots of numbers. I've had weekly weigh-ins. I've put it out there and made myself do it.

I started this blog on that day, 9/3/10, at 258 pounds. Severely morbidly obese.

I had the good fortune to come across the Double Dog Dare You Challenge series, which began over a month after I began Happy Weight After. I figured, hey, a challenge back in June on my old blog got me motivated to really lose, lose steadily, so why not another.

It was a great, great decision. Allan's challenges helped me make great strides and learn about what I was capable of.

I type this today at 181 pounds. Overweight, but not obese.

I feel good. I feel stronger than any other time post my twenties.

9/3/10--me, 50 and 258 lbs, but hopeful
9/3/11--me, 51, and 181 lbs, still hopeful, and now kinda transformed, inside and out.

A work still in progress....I had a goal of 2 years to 160 pounds. I plan to get there before that, get to goal by my next birthday. Wish me well.

Anyone can make progress, bit by bit, in one year's time. ANYONE.

But you gotta start and believe it....


Michele said...

Congratulations of your one year blogiversary! That is really terrific! You have come a long way! Your stats are fantastic! Here is to continued progress! Michele

"KT" said...

Happy blogiversary! Your posts are informative and inspiring. You have kicked SO much butt and will definitely kick even more. Wish you the very best!

Bluezy said...

Happy blogiversary. We should all hope to be so there in a year like you are. You have done so well and continue to do so. You not only blogged it off for yourself, but the knowledge you gained you shared with so many and the is really a jewel of an accomplishment!Thanks for being here.

Mary said...

Happy blogiversary! You've done such a fantastic job this year :)

downsizers said...

Congratulations on what you have done. I also want to say that I enjoy reading your comments on the blogs of others (and on mine as well). You are pretty shrewd at seeing what's going on with the complainers and whiners and tactfully say what they need to hear. You do this without insults and condemnation. I really think this is the way to go as we comment and is a much more helpful way to encourage people to get serious.

Sarah G said...

Happy Blogiversary!

Jane Cartelli said...

What a wonderful journey you have traveled this year! Happy Blogaversary!


Food Freak said...

Lady, you are one hell of a human being. You committed to being the best physical you that you can be, working as hard at it as you work at being the best spiritual/mental/character you can be. And you've succeeded beyond most people's wildest dreams.

This should be a tremendous source of pride for you. I know you'll reach goal and stay there for the rest of your life. There are just some people you don't have any doubts about (KBO is another.).

WWSuzi said...

Congratulations on a great year!!

Floriana said...

Happy blogoversery, Princess! What a great way to honor your Dad.

You and your blog are a huge source of inspiration for me and I believe many others. Your determination and positive energy are infectious. Thanks for all you do here! :)

Rachel Schofield - Virtual Interior Decorator & Home Stager said...

Absolutely, fantastically, magically amazing the difference a year can make. :)

Karen Butler Ogle said...

I'm so proud of you, Princess. You have done wonderfully well in a year. It took me much longer and I'm still a work in progress too. I saw a 150 on the scale today and that is a new low for me. It is all about sticking to the plan. You have great will power and it is sure paying off for you.

Retta said...

Happy Blogiversary, Mir!

And thanks to your review and that of Dana Carpender, I did get that book Wheat Belly. Just starting it... hmmm... who knew?!!!

Maggie said...

Happy Blogiversary! I recently stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say it has inspired me.

Smile Bunches!!!

Anne H said...

What? A year!?
Your Hotness - Princess - you are awesome!
Happy Blogiversary!
And all the Happiness and Joy in the world to you and yours!
I still love your "Victory Over Sloth" quote and
I think about it every day!

Debsdailylife said...

Happy Blogiversary!!!! Great strides youve made!!

Debbi Does Dinner Healthy said...

WOW! And to think that we were on the same track at the same weight! I see now with your 181 where I should be, instead of 30 lbs. + more! yikes! Good for you!! Won't it be awesome to see where you are in another year?? :-)

Anonymous said...

You are awesome! Keep up the great work and thanks for starting the challenge. I'm looking forward to it :)