Saturday, December 24, 2011


Tonight is Nochebuena. Tomorrow, Christmas Day. Very special and holy days, and also family days.

It's a sad Christmas (lost my nephew 5 months ago) and my BIL had a double whammy--lost his brother a couple weeks ago, too, on top of his son's demise.

But, it's about celebrating new life--the miracle of the Virgin Birth of the Son of God--and the hope that gives. Life goes on. On this earth, beyond it. God makes all things possible.

So, believe in miraculous possibilities today and in the new year.

Feliz Nochebuena...let it truly be a "good night" for us all.


Val said...

Feliz Navidad to you & yours, Mir... I read constantly but rarely comment - wanted you to know what a constant inspiration you are, however!

Best wishes, Val

Karen Butler Ogle said...

Merry Christmas, Princess. I'm sorry for the losses your family has suffered during this year. I hope the coming year brings you nothing but joy and peace.

Caron said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family. I believe in miracles! :)

lv2 said...

Merry Christmas Mir....have a wonderful day with your family.

Angela Pea said...

Merry Christmas! Enjoy these days with your family.

Julie said...

Merry Christmas Mir and hubby. Enjoy you evening.

Mrs. Bradley said...

Hope you had a great Christmas and I know your 2012 will be awesome also. Thanks for all that you do for the blog community. YOu are an inspiration who I really look up to. I will so be stalking your E2E challenge as You do these challenges so well.

Jane Cartelli said...

Hope your Christmas was blessed with love and peace.

Unknown said...

Hope your Christmas was filled with happiness... here's looking to the New Year and the gifts it will bring:-)

Anne H said...

LOVE this new year! I think it's gonna be a great one!

Nanette N. said...

Here's to the next year of good food, active bodies and joyful moments! :)