Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Eat Real Food: My Mantra...might heal some of your conditions....

Real food and nutrition got her out of a wheelchair from M.S.--what can it do for US?

I still feel so sad I can't have seafood. Sniff. Sob.


Anonymous said...

Can you be re-tested for seafood allergy? Sometimes allergies come and go.

Caron said...

I watched all of that video. Really good information. Thank you.

Angela Pea said...

Amen! I've been feeding my family real food all of their lives. Well - husband for only 26 years. It's the only way to eat.

I've always cooked from scratch (occasional processed food because I'm human and kids are kids!)and focused on veggies, fruit and lean proteins. I've been teaching my offspring how to cook, to, so hopefully they will carry their eating habits forward into their own families.

Anne H said...

Two people sent me that very link this very day... Love it!
Eat real food every chance we get!

Anonymous said...

I was brought up by weird people with screwed up ideas on eating, but the one good thing they did is not buy junk food or snacks or really anything too processed. Enriched flour maybe. I never developed a taste for it. Phew. Glad to have dodged that bullet.

Boo hoo on the seafood.

Anonymous said...

I love your posts. You're smart, you present facts with evidence. I like it because it takes some of the work out of researching for people like me who won't take the time even though I should. I am so thankful, you have no idea. I made a rule a couple weeks ago that half my plate is always to be colorful veggies. I've gone through more broccoli in December than I did in the couple months prior. I feel better. I feel... sharper. My thought processes aren't muddied. I don't daze out in a sugar fog after a morning donut, because I avoid donuts. What's the point in all the crap anyway? This is a good video, I watched the whole thing. Not sold on the organ meats... :)

I'm learning more, making better decisions and have your wisdom and perspective to thank for some of that. You're amazing. Your story and support are inspiring. :) Happy Holidays.