Friday, February 24, 2012

It's easier to handle the blues and other less easy times in life...when you...

at Pilates session yesterday... some muscle.

And eat right.
And get rest.
And get a bit of sun.
And smile at someone.
And read encouraging and wise words.
And listen to music.
And spend time with the folks who love you.

The old advice and common sense is right.  It comes down to those basics.

Just what I was thinking today. :) (And doing yesterday.)

Be well...


Karen Butler Ogle said...

A great positive post that I needed to hear today. Thanks, Princess. I am wishing you well for the weekend.:)

Unknown said...

AMEN! Glad you're getting back on track:-)

safire said...

I love how you broke it down! :) Have a great weekend!!!

Anonymous said...

Someone has lovely curves in all the right places!! Glad you are feeling better, our sweet Princess! :)

Nanette N. said...

Yay! Sunny Mir is coming back! :)

Julie said...

YEAH!!! Mir is heading back to the Mir we love, though the Mir that was visiting we loved her too but she over stayed her welcome so time to get back this Mir.
Take care and have a blessed weekend!

Electronic Medical Records said...

Eating right is definitely must also look into exercising as we are all stuck to the new technologies and locked in rooms.

Debsdailylife said...

AMEN!!! So common sense, so why do I find is so hard to follow sometimes?! :) Me and my hardheaded defiance!!

Unknown said...

I completely agree. Good for you for doing those things!

Lasso the Moon said...

This is very good advice. I have fought depression without drugs for years with the simple tools of exercise, healthy food, and time with Jesus. Sunshine is a big help, too.

Anne H said...

Remember this song -
Everything counts - in large amounts!
Once our (my) grabbing hands stop wanting to grab all they can!
Glad to see you "on the ball!"

Allan said...

Email me please

Coley Loree said...

I am sharing this with my FB Weight Loss group! A lot of us have been down lately and this is just the words I needed to see! Thanks for sharing!

Jane Cartelli said...

All good things.