Sunday, January 15, 2012

E2E Upated #2: Meh

Intial Weight: 183.0
Initial Waist: 36

Current Weight: 181.2
Current Waist: 35

Weight is up 1/2 pound from last week. Waist is down an inch. Don't ask me, some days, I just shrug at these mysteries and move on.

Fluids: Great
Exercise goals: Not met. Feeling da funk---Walked x2. Pilates x1
Support: Yep. I did more than the minimum and kept up with Buddy's blog.
Book: Not really. Was distracted by fiction and reading the obesity research stuff online.

Have no idea why weight is up over last week other than 1. thyroid or 2. general fluid fluctuation. Except for the weird snacky day (previous mentioned,snacks listed), I've hovered around 1500 calories. No fricken way I ate more than 4000 calories.

Have a family event today, so I have to go make a Spanish Omelette (which will supplant my breakfast). Feeling like, yeah, can I go back to bed? No, okay, then lemme go peel potatoes.

I won't be doing my Monday Pilates tomorrow. Hubby is off. I will be hubbying.

Okay, not the most scintillating update. I'm just not feeling the fire. I hope you're way more flame-on than I am.

Later, peops. Be well...

My Challenge quotes:

--Maxwell Maltz

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  

~~Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) 


Karen Butler Ogle said...

Princess, I had a ho hum week too so don't feel bad. My weight is up and I'm basically back at the beginning. I will be praying for a better week for all of us this coming week.

Jo said...

It's okay. It's January, for goodness sake. This is a down month for most people, with the letdown of the holidays and the cold, dark, rainy and snowy days. Lots of time to sit by the fire and eat comfort foods. I do admire you for getting in some exercise. And fluids. I do hope you will feel better, and I wish that dr visit would hurry up and get here for you. Hugs.

Nanette N. said...

hopefully a good quality hubby-ing will increase some of those seratonin levels. ;) Get you some brain high. I'm sorry you're still in this funk. Also, I'm absolutely positive that this won't last and you'll be back to working out with enthusiastic vigor.

Angela Pea said...

Oh Baby. I hope you feel better soon!

Jordan said...

Hope you're having a NICE hubby day! I posted yesterday and then went right back to bed until late afternoon. It felt sinfully delicious to be warm under the covers when it's so cold outside. Do good today!

Mrs. O said...

Oooooh, I love "hubbying" days. :)

I wonder if the change in warmer to colder weather has everyone feeling the drab. Hope you get your exercise mojo back soon.

~Mom said...

I love the term Hubbying! That's what I do everyday... he is so spoiled!

Debsdailylife said...

Thinnking about you and sending some prayers!! Hopeing you find some answers. Feeling like crap 'stinks'!!! Wish I had the answers for yoU!

Casey said...

It's been a few days since your post, so I hope you're feeling better!
I like that you "shrug at the mystery and go on." Leave it in the past and do better in the future. Or get better and feel better or whatever! :)