Friday, November 11, 2011

Heads-Up For Those Who Pre-Ordered (or Plan to) THE SMARTER SCIENCE OF SLIM!

As I plan to be a guinea pig for the plan (to see if I can fix my metabo some), and enjoyed the book, I liked the FB page.

Today, Bailor offered to give online access to folks who preorder through Amazon. That means you read it NOW, not in January. And online (right on your puter). Like I did. :D It'll look like this, only it will be the whole book

He put the message up on  his FB.

I am going to reread it and try to fully implement the plan beginning next week. I am incorporating some stuff already (whey, flax meal, more decaf green tea). The exercise for anything having to do with my lower joints has to wait a bit, as I want to consult with my trainer for safety reasons,  but I am doing the eccentric arm exercises. :)

Okay, may update again later...but now...I wanna dig my new cds from Japan. :D

(Oh, and if you go to Amazon, do me a favor and click HELPFUL in my review --I'm "Mir" and a top 500 reviewer.I try to make my reviews long and helpful, and I appreciate the clicks. ) My review is currently the first one showing on the left, but amazon can change that around. THANKS.


Anonymous said...

I'll kudos your review. The books sounds interesting.

I can't do whey, and I won't do flax. Green tea is great, I already drink it, yay. I'll order the book on Kindle when I am allowed to order books again, lol!

Bluezy said...

Oh man...Imma gonna stalk you on amazon, too! lol. This plan would be "whey" too deep of a jump into health for me. I just try to make what I can of what the non dieters have here available. Yeah...I scrap off my daughter. LOL. I wish we all could just make a decision together to try a structured healthy selection. Don't think it will happen with the two pizzas I see on the counter about to be cooked for dinner. Yesterday it was Taco Bell. I have been strong through most of it. I sort of used the enabling last week...I regret it. I know I am strong to avoid this.
I actually will check your A store out. I bet all the stuff you list there you have reviewed.. or at least all you purchased yourself.

Karen Butler Ogle said...

Science overwhelms me at the moment but I will check out the book online and see what it has to offer. Thanks for the heads up.