Monday, November 28, 2011

The Skinny Jeans in October at 179.6; The Skinny Jeans in November at 179.8....Do You See What I See?

Remember the CDCC dress comparison? How it didn't even go over my upper thighs/butt in early October, but went on completely a week ago?

Okay, at that time I also took pics of a pair of newly purchased (on sale, TJ Maxx) skinny jeans. They fit (or rather did NOT fit) like this, even with a compression effect from that tight nike top:

Well, stagnant scale and all, I hit the jeans for a retry. (The tags are on the other side cause I am using a mirror. Hubby wasn't around to do me the favor this time.)

And I got this (excuse the unmade bed):

Dat's right. They went over the thighs, hips and zippered and buttoned up. Yep. Just like the dress. SAME WEIGHT. Different body.

Granted, they are tight as the dickens and I get some serious loose skin muffin-topping going on...and I wouldn't wear them out yet..or even try to sit just now...but they go up,  ZIP, and BUTTON. FREAKING HEY DOODLE DOODLE and who's your momma????

Well, nice. I needed that.

So, remember: If you're exercising, eating right, and drinking your fluids, but the scale is meh, try on your "outfit that doesn't fit". Try on your CDCC dress. Go to the store and try a smaller size, if one doesn't reside in your closet. Your composition may still be altered. Ask Karen--who has gained 10 lbs, but fits in the clothes that fit at her previous, smaller weight. She probably gained a lot of muscle from her recent exercising, even with eating a bit more.

Shifts can happen. If you've been hitting the gym and the walking/hiking trails and you haven't tested it out, test it out. TRY ON THAT THING THAT DIDN'T FIT A MONTH OR TWO AGO.

It might be a nice surprise.

Take a pic. Show us.

Nitey nite.


Becki said...

Whoo hoo!!! I take my mesuerments every few week just to see. I have lost 25 inches wow that's a lot.
I am so excited for you, what an awesome feeling.

Mary said...

I'm in the same situation - my jeans are now looser (even right out of the dryer) even though my weight hasn't changed more than three pounds in either direction for months. I've been very active, and my thighs are thanking me even if the scale isn't!

Unknown said...

Fabulous! I was amazed today by how my legs seemed to be swimming in jeans that seemed to be more tight only a few weeks ago! The body does change so differently with each gain & loss. Congrats, it's good to see the positive when you're frustrated by the day to day:-)

Jane Cartelli said...

Congrats and thank you for such a good example of how exercise can change a body even when the scale remains the same!


Jillian said...

That's amazing! I need to post a new picture in my skinny jeans from earlier in the challenge. I tried them on the other day, and while I still wouldn't wear them in public (skinny jeans on a girl my size are not attractive, even if they do fit, haha). They go up with no problems now! Excellent job!

Karen Butler Ogle said...

You are looking great, Princess. I think the skinny jeans will be comfortable before long. Keep up the good work. I whole-heartedly agree with your approach. The point is not the numbers we get to but to get HEALTHY.

Caron said...

And I have the opposite problem. The scale number looks good but my jeans are tight. I definitely need more exercise.

Sarah said...

Amazing! Congrats on them fitting!

Anonymous said...

Fascinating! You are obviously doing something - many things - right. Thank you for sharing this.

My little odd experience here is I'm a size 10 at my current weight, whereas last spring I was a 12 at the same weight, the main difference being that back then I was low carbing it and now I'm not. It's a nice added bonus.

Nanette N. said...

this is what I need to hear... I weighed in for the first time since thanksgiving... 329 AGAIN... week 4 of the same damn number!!! Any plateau advice? I'm working out 5-7 times a week and staying under 1900 calories a day. (except thanksgiving of course).

Angela Pea said...

Who's Your Momma Indeed!!

Rachel Schofield - Virtual Interior Decorator & Home Stager said...

I'll second your "hey doodle doodle". That is tremendous. Congratulations, princess!

Beth said...

This is one of my fave posts ever. What amazing things our bodies can do given the right nutrition! Clearly you are shifting energy into your lean mass - which is great, especially considering that lean mass decreases as we age - so you are reversing the ageing process as well as looking hot in your jeans! They look great!