Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Deeper into the 170s, and links to some "yes, diet affect metabolisms more than expected" stuff

Tanita-san: 177.8

I'm eating 1400 to 1500 cals. No exercise (resting ankle). I upped my protein (whey concentrate in PaleoMeal). Yesterday, I had 4 rashers of bacon. Wow. That was tasty. I ate a nice bowl of organic grapes.  Fruit is my candy. Those were my two special treats yesterday. Salty bacon and sweet grapes. Also had chicken (at two meals), assorted veggies (including broccoli, cabbage, snow peas). I had Greek yogurt. Walnuts. Blueberries. I had potato (very little, but was nice).

Since Beth asked, I added a couple links to the comments section yesterday. The book I'm reading also talks about studies on metabolic changes post-dieting, including how dieting eats up disporportionate amount of muscle IN THE OBESE (more so than the metabolically lean folks, who will burn fat efficiently when in caloric deficit). But the TBL article shows that even with immense exercise that burned calories and built muscle, they became metabolically slower. It's not a myth.

Here are the two links, but you can research this yourself to get the info. Or read that book I linked up to a few posts back. :)

TBL change metabolically (slow down more than expected despite all that exercise and nutritional advice)

Recent Australian Study on hormonal changes still present a year after dieting/weight loss

A quote from that NYT Article on that study:

Other hormones that stimulate hunger, in particular ghrelin, whose levels increased, and peptide YY, whose levels decreased, were also changed a year later in a way that made the subjects’ appetites stronger than at the start of the study.
The results show, once again, Dr. Leibel said, that losing weight “is not a neutral event,” and that it is no accident that more than 90 percent of people who lose a lot of weight gain it back. “You are putting your body into a circumstance it will resist,” he said. “You are, in a sense, more metabolically normal when you are at a higher body weight.”
A solution might be to restore hormones to normal levels by giving drugs after dieters lose weight. But it is also possible, said Dr. Jules Hirsch of Rockefeller University, that researchers just do not know enough about obesity to prescribe solutions.
So, when you see those who've been on a diet and lose weight and then go bonkers with hunger, this seems to be why. It's not that they're insane. It's that they're hormonally effed up.

Hence my change in eating plan. I want to minimize as much as possible the metabolic damage, I don't wanna go whack and regain, and I want to heal. I may be whistling in the dark, but I know that I am metabolically slower than average (likely for multiple reasons, dieting being just one). Worth a shift in action as I near the weight I want to be and don't want to see leave me behind in a hormonal insanity of eating/binge-ing.

BTW, having read how a lot of aerobic exercise can increase appetite, that's one reason I simply...don't. I walk for the benefits to my joints and to burn some calories, but I don't do hours and hours of the stuff. I need to spare my joints, sure, but I also don't want to get into more metabolic danger zone. I'll dance with joy, but I won't trudge on treadmills and ellipticals. I'll play, but I won't jog. I"ve never felt famished after a good brisk walk in the sunshine, smelling blossoms, hearing birds. I feel....relaxed. Centered.  I'll stop and chat sometimes with a newly met neighbor. It's social.

So, for me, it's a lot about mood and mental health, not just keeping my legs looking hot and burning calories. :D

I might look into eccentric weight training, though. That does seem to build muscle effectively and boost metabolism. :D

I want muscle and not to stress my joints and need surgery. Sigh. Aging sucks.

But, let's focus on what we can. Yes, the hormonal gods may be after us, but we find a way to fend them off and move on to the holy and high places.

Be positive. Eat soundly. Move healthfully.

Be well....


Anonymous said...

You are wise not to starve yourself into weight loss. That would do irreversible damage to your body. (anecdotal: using myself as an example.)

Chronic Cardio exercising is not great for our arteries or our heart - despite what the mainstream says.

The body likes: upper body weight training, other strength training, walking, Pilates, yoga, and short bursts of intense exercise (like 5 minutes of fast walking, or running, or dancing)

Karen Butler Ogle said...

I think moderation in both food and exercise is key once a person gets to goal. I'm trying to balance both. Some people become workout fiends after weight loss surgery but I find I am more consistent in my results when I get regular but minimal exercise.

Julie said...

You're doing great Mir, for you mind and body. What works for you is excellent and I love that you share it and teach too. Thank you!
Have a great afternoon. Hey, my grandma is visiting people in your state this week. She's 95 and went on the plane herself and drove a rental to their house. She amazes me all the time.
Blessings my friend!

Bluezy said...

I wanted to share this with you right away. So bizarre and so magical. Our neighbor put out a Champion Eliptical as a curbside give away. It was trash day. But right across the street makes me think...spiritual help. Seriously. The mechanics work. The electronics we need to see maybe just a lose connection. It is a high end eliptical literally dropped on my footsteps!

Your post is very informative. I gots to not get effed up. LOL.

Beth said...

Very interesting studies, thanks for the links. I need to have some time to read them again and think about it all. As I've said, my metabolism has always been "normal" or at the rate that the usual numbers predict but right now I've got no idea how it is until I get a week with all calories tracked.

It's a tough fight against biology, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

I saw that they were vigorously researching how to turn on and off hunger and satiety hormones. I sure do hope they get a break thru. I saw that they stumbled onto how to turn of breast cancer so maybe the eat switch is just around the bend.

Hope the ankle stops smarting.