Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I've Begun Planning The Challenge for 2012...Cause, Hey, Helps Me, too!

I do get comments from challengers from past and current challenges I've cohosted that these are helpful. Yeah, I find them so. Glad some of y'all do, too.

Today, as I had free time, what with not having hubby to smooch and all, I began plotting the guidelines/rules/whatever for the challenge I'd like to begin on January 1st. Since that's a holiday, most folks are off, and doing an update should be fine. But I'll likely leave the update open through the second for that initial post and linky, cause, well, holiday, right? Hopefully, no one will be hungover. Bad for the liver, body, diet.... 

I figure just like CDCC--14 weeks, a book(s) for issues, updates with weight/goals, a tangible measuring object. I'm writing the rules out.

It will require a bit more than the CDCC, so obviously, those of you who found updating for the CDCC onerous--didn't bother with your reading, didn't bother supporting folks, etc--you will want to skip it.

And, like before, if you quit any of the challenges I was in or cohosted, don't ask to join. I want folks aiming to stick it out--good, bad, or in-between.

I think sticking it out helps. Even if it gets rough, I think just hanging in makes you (and me) not go off plan as much or backslide as much or regain as much. I really believe it keeps you, some part of you, the brain, the heart, IN the fight. That's why I won't allow in folks who quit previous challenges. I want folks seriously trying to overcome issues and fat and habits. It's what we all gotta do to lose and keep it off. STICK WITH IT--even when our mojo goes to crap.

So far, we have 2/3 of the CDCC crew still hanging in there. One third went buh-bye. I'm impressed with the 2/3. Keep going!

Those of you who found Slimmer This Summer or CDCC helpful in any way to your progress, journey, goal-achievements...well, consider it if, after you see the guidelines/rules, you are up to it. I don't care if it's me and one or two other people. Or me and 20 people. Although, I will cap it at a certain number, if interest is high, like 25 or 30, maybe. Heck, I may consider that 12 motivated people who will really be supportive and involved and full of good thoughts for their comrades would be better. Worked for..you know who!  If you have a small crew of folks who are committed, you can change the world.

Maybe I'll pray for just a set of 12--well, eleven plus me--with a fire in their souls for getting healthier, gals who will help me and maybe I can help, too, in this tough quest... and that small crew will NOT QUIT and UTTERLY TRANSFORM...and this will be our Emerge Glorious By Easter Challenge. 

Or whatever less dorky name I come up with.

So, I figure Jan 1st through April 8 (Easter Sunday). Would be nice if we were to have goal Easter outfits. :)  I really think fitting into something so pretty and fresh in a fitter, fresher body for one of the holiest days of the year (for us Christians, anyhow)...an outfit you DID NOT fit into makes you feel victorious. Overcomers!

I'm fine with those who want to lose lots (but realistic lots, not crazy pie in the sky TBL lots), and those who want to lose little, and those who don't want to lose on the scale, but want to maintain and just buff up and get over eating or sedentary issues--hey, even normalish weight folks can be weird about food and exercise.

So, that's my plan. Maybe no one wants in and it doesn't happen. I'm still gonna see January 1, 2012 way slimmer than January 1, 2011. I'm still gonna set goals and see how much farther I can go by Easter Sunday. If I do it alone, I will.

But I like doing it with fellow fatfighters who are willing to be open, honest, vulnerable, supportive, and accountable! It's supposed to be the Christian way...to be real, to fight the good fight, to never give up, and to help others not give up on their journey, too.

Happy Tuesday, peops. Hope some of you will be in it with me. (And yeah, I'll need a co-pilot again, cause it's always good to have someone cover things if "life happens".)

Now, what should I call this thing...what...what....?

Nite...be well...


Angela Pea said...

Oooh! Oooh! I'm in. How about "Easter Bonnet Belly Busters" or EB3? ha ha ha

Thank you so much for continuing. The next round will tie right in with the discipline and reflectiveness of Lent leading up to Easter.

Jillian said...

I would LOVE to be in another challenge, this one has been super helpful. I think I'd definitely pick another book though--Bob Harper is just NOT doing it for me this time around. I'm so grateful for all of the time that you and Angela Pea put into encouraging us and pushing us along when we struggle and when we fail. Seriously, it's been amazing. <3

Extreme Easter Eggstravaganza?...but that has nothing to do with weight loss and everything to do with alliteration, haha.

Princess Dieter aka Mir said...

New Year, New You Challenge?
Shiny New You By Easter Challenge?
Transform in 2012 Challenge? (alliteration!)
New Year To Easter Challenge?
Alive Again in 2012?
New Year, New Body Challenge?

Ah, I am not inspired tonight. Later, all...

Joya said...

Thanks for share your great experience with me. I really love this post. Cheers!

Weight Gain Tips

Jillian said...

I like New Year New You and of course, Transform in 2012

Beth said...

I'd love to be in - except you will not see me in a dress. Sorry. no can do!

Maybe a pair of jeans? not sure.

Sorry no help on the name. I'm rubbish at that sort of thing.

Karen Butler Ogle said...

My goals aren't clear yet, Princess, but I want in this challenge. Maybe I want to maintain but get into a more regular exercise program and I definitely want to get more control over my eating. I want to go to more whole healthy foods and not so much processed junk. I want to eat healthy and be healthy and maybe gain some muscle while losing a few pounds too. Just let me know what I need to do to join. Hugs.

Jordan said...

Oh, so cool! This past challenge has made ALL the difference for me, so I'm excited to continue. Easter should see me at onederland. For those of us that are doing both the CDCC and the next one, maybe we can make some sort of commitment for the almost 2 weeks between challenges? Like, stay the same. NO weight gain. Or something like that.

Princess Dieter aka Mir said...

I like the idea of some sort of two-week pledge/commitment. Or even a mini-challenge..something not taxing due to the holiday (where we all get really busy or leave town, etc). Maybe to check in once a week for those two weeks and focus on maintaing (or for the strong, losing) during the height of Food Freak Season. Yep, thanks, Jordan.

Glad to see some of you are interested. Of course, if you're in CDCC and complete it, you're welcome to enter the next one. As long as you followed the rules, I'm good with it. And Beth, Karen, you guys are so cool, you know you're welcome into any challenge o' mine!!!! Like, in perpetuity. Just can't quit. That means NO DISAPPEARING..unless it's like an emergency thing.

Julie said...

Of course you know I'll be there with bells one. Not as a focus on weight loss but on toning and getting a body that will not be an embarrassment in a swimming suit. Now that would be awesome. April 23rd is my 32 wedding anniversary...now having a special outfit for that would be awesome. You can call this challenge anything you want and I'll be there.
Excellent ideas Mir.
Keep us posted on what your rules will be and what you need from us.
Take care and sleep well. Blessings my friend!!

Tiffany said...

I have been reading your blog for a few months now and would be interested in taking part in the challenge. I REALLY need to stop messing around with the same 5 pounds and get back to losing more weight.

I stink when it comes to creating names so I'm really no help there but I will be waiting to here more about the challenge :)