Friday, November 18, 2011

Still tinkering with the higher protein, calorie refeed....and some pics of Holiday lipstick and Numsy Breakfast...also don't drink LEAD with your CALCIUM, and a heads up for CDCC Challengers (read CDCC blog, please)

Tanita-san: 178.2

The tinkering goes on. I had hit 179.4 earlier in the week (almost two pounds higher than lowest number I'd seen on the scale in 21 years--177.6). So, going down from 2000-2200 to 1500 to 1700 is a good move for now.

Experimenting to see at the highest caloric level at which I can lose again, so I don't cut down any more than necessary. And I want to see if I can reset that setpoint and be able to eat MORE (not crazy more, just reasonably more) than my effed up numbers allow.

Healing is tough. Healing the metabolism is ubertough. We plunge ahead and move on and keep learning and tweaking and keeping the faith, right?

Anyway, splurged on a holiday lipstick, LANCOME's Absolute Rouge shade (from the Rouge L'Absolu line). I got it in the mail yesterday, so even though my face was unwashed, no makeup, etc, I swiped it on to test out:

Absolute Rouge by Lancome

I like it. Looks "cooler" in real life, but  I think the warmer/gold tones in my skin makes it reflect warmer. :) Super pricey. Super self-indulgent. But it makes me happy to have creamy holiday red on the lippies! (I'm such a brat.)


Plate: egg whites topped with sauteed broccoli slaw and mushrooms (cooked in ghee,with spices), shredded cheddar on top.
bowl: papaya with lime juice
glass: iced decaf green tea with lime juice
cup: fresh coffee....(had 2 cups)
Not shown: 2 glasses water before eating...

Between meals, I do up my whey protein shakes with flax (sometimes I use Aroy-D coconut milk and water, sometimes almond milk and water, sometimes just water).

And I prefer my calcium this way, and, one hopes, without lead. (If you take calcium supplements, get one that ain't toxic, K? But best if you eat well. Get it naturally. Wish I had access to primo, superduper raw milk.)

Hope everyone is doing fine.

If you're in the challenge, please read about the two prizes we'll be giving away at Challenge's finale.

Thanks, be well....


Caron said...

It's always something. Lead in our calcium and salmonella in our peanut butter! I hope it is okay to say that you have a perfect, beautifully shaped mouth. That's from a gal who has always had thin lips. Sigh. The color is very pretty on you too. :)

Rachel Schofield - Virtual Interior Decorator & Home Stager said...

That is an absolutely luscious colour for your lips!

Jo said...

Lead in our calcium. Can we trust absolutely no one?

Gorgeous lip color...looks great on you for the holidays!

Karen Butler Ogle said...

Hey, Princess. I love the new lipstick. It looks very good on you. I am planning a new Christmas outfit that I have seen offered for black Friday. I will need some red lipstick to go with it. I might look for the shade you got. I am much paler than you though.

Julie said...

I don't do lipstick but I have to admit yours sure is pretty. I am thinking about trying a little bit of make-up but haven't a clue where to start. Maybe will have to talk to a MaryKay lady and see.
Keep trying Mir, you'll find the perfect combination for you.
Take care and chatter later, gator. :o)
Blessings my friend.

Jane Cartelli said...

So I start reading your post and I see you are tweaking your calories a bit, which means your foods and then I read
""Anyway, splurged on a holiday lipstick, LANCOME's Absolute Rouge shade (from the Rouge L'Absolu line). I got it in the mail yesterday, so even though. . .""

And I had to crack up and laugh because I thought for a nano-minute you were eating your lipstick!

Lovely color. I am going to need to interrogate my rep at Lancome in Epcot for a tester of this new color.

Papaya and lime - just about the best breakfast ever.

Tweaking - Cutting the carbs always worked for me while adding leaner protein and cutting salt.

Keep tweaking to find your happy place.


Nanette N. said...

What a BEAUTIFUL color! It looks great and no doubt you will wear it with confidence!

Fab Kate said...

Did you read this article in Scientific American today?

Protein Might Ward Off Afternoon Snooze

OMG... that looked spammy!

Well, what I wanted to do was get you this study on amino acids and that 3:00 slump so many of us experience. I know that I've often been hitting the carbs and sugars to try to keep awake in the mid-afternoon, when perhaps what I really need is more protein at that time. Another piece of dietary information to try to juggle.

I'm learning that simple eating isn't as simple as I thought, and that while I thought I spent plenty of time reading labels and balancing my intake of carbs, sugars, protein and vitamins, that I'm continuously surprised at what's in the foods I'm eating.

I'm guessing that I'm going to be a lot better off getting foods that don't have labels, and only ONE ingredient... then mixing them in the safety of my own kitchen.

BTW, that lipstick is KILLER. I can never seem to find the right shade for me.

Anne H said...

i go down in calories and do real good.
I go up in cal ando not so good.
People will say anything... and we are not all the same.
BUT we probably get there faster with less calories!
And good choices about the ones we DO eat!

Anonymous said...

Papaya with lime juice sounds like heaven. I will be trying. I salt and pepper my mango and it's divine. :) A little black pepper in my fruit slaw is also good. Using seasoning and spices for foods does what it's supposed to - enhances flavor. You never get bored with a spice racked filled with variety and a little know-how.

Anonymous said...

You have a beautiful mouth!

Val said...

Steph already said it - you look fabulous w/that lipstick!
But heavy sigh, my boy is all over me again for us to add a Jersey cow to our lil' farm family for the fresh milk... If only I could count on him to do the milkin'!