Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Better Day Today: A "thank you" in VLOG form...(my first vlog, woohoo)

I added some notes on YOUTUBE, cause I made flubs ("drummist", mispronounced "Nakatani", Bible note). Hey, it's one take, no editing. So, flubs are normal. Heh. I am really HUMAN, see? :)


Anonymous said...

I have to admit, I was excited to see what you would post when you said you were going to try a Vlog.

I am not surprised that I adore you even more. You're just wonderful and now I want to come have cherry berry tea with you and sit in the beauty that is your presence and your backyard, apparently!

I am so pleased to hear that you are feeliing better. The power of prayer is miraculous.

Mrs. O said...

I'm so glad that you're starting to feel better. Pray does work! Continued prayers that the pains go away.

Living in my Magic Garden

Jo said...

Mir, I knew I liked you, but now I know why even more. Yes, let's have a "meeting" in your backyard. It is gorgeous and looks very peaceful. You look great, sound great, and I'm so glad you're feeling better. Prayer is powerful. Now I feel as if I've "met" you.

Anonymous said...

So glad you are feeling better. After all these years of "chatting" with you online, it's so good to put a voice to the face. You have a lovely smile. :-)

Nanette N. said...

I love that I'll be able to hear you speak your blogs (if you continue that way). You make me want to start up my video stuff again. :)

It's so good to see you smiling! And that red! Awesome.

Caron said...

Thank you for sharing this with us. I loved hearing your voice and seeing you. So happy that you are feeling better. :)

Unknown said...

So good to see and hear that your mood is lifting and the pain is easing! So much of what you've described I can empathize with because last year and much of the year before I suffered through it all until I was diagnosed and treated for my hypothyroid. Since then things have been good but I do notice the joint pains again when I forget to take the meds too often.... I have issues remembering to take pill so I have to remember them! I love the chirping birds and fabulous flowers in your surrounding, what a great place to sit and enjoy when you are feeling good and even when you're not! So smiley you are, and that shade looks fab on you... the shade of lipstick and that shade of happiness:-)

Jordan said...

That was great to watch! Really powerful. It made me misty-eyed to think that the strength of our well-wishes could help to pull you up.
Now when I read your posts, I can picture you talking.
And Pilates class! That's great to push - a little. Remember that even when you feel bad, you can do a little. It's not binary, either on or off. You can dial your level of effort to match how you feel. But you already know that - the depression makes you not care.
So nice to see you feeling better! And really nice to *see* that instead of reading it!

Retta said...

How fun, you did a VLOG!! That was great to watch. It's weird how someone seems more "real" after we've heard their voice.
Good job! (ha ha, like I'm an expert on that).

Julie said...

This was great Mir and I am so glad that you're feeling a bit better. Just keep going. I am so glad you have the support and prayers and more, you deserve it Mir. You've worked to hard to let this get to you. Keep fighting, keep going.
Take care and God Bless!!

Jane Cartelli said...

I am on my travel computer tonight - no sound. Will listen tomorrow.! I am sure it is going to be wonderful.

~Mom said...

I am totally a voice person! I love to hear the tone and inflection and be able to see facial expressions when "talking" with someone. You are an inspiration to many of us and I wish you continued success! *See if I did this by video I wouldn't need as many exclamations signs!*