Saturday, February 18, 2012

&^%^& Captcha is Now Disabled ....And I Need to Disable My Appetite, while I'm at it....

Seriously, Blogger's new captcha requires a CIA decryption crew to decipher. What is up with that? It made my eyes hurt.

I will be honest. If I visit your blog and it has the new crazy-butt hard captcha, I will likely NOT leave a comment. Sorry, it's just too annoying. If you don't hear from me, you'll know why. The &^^&%$$ Captchas!

I disabled mine and will begin moderating for comments older than 2 days. For the first two days, you should be able to comment without moderation or captcha or issues. Let me know if there is a problem.....hopefully, there will not be.

I'm already aggravated enough by my increased appetite--damn you sugary Valentine strawberries!  I've struggled to contain the uptick in "eating desire." It's a struggle. And I want to get back in my groove. So, captcha annoyances are not gonna be part of my life for the time being. ; )

Speaking of debbil sugar, here is an interesting link, since this post of mine does NOT qualify as interesting.

Happy Holiday weekend! I'm off to enjoy it with hubby! WITHOUT SUGAR!


downsizers said...

I agree. I gave up trying to get my comment to post on two different blogs because I couldn't get past that. For crying out loud, are there terrorists among us that need filtered out or something? I have read of several who are battling the sugar - that stuff is the sweat of satan.

MS said...

Sugar has derailed me also. Thanks for the link to the interesting site.

Mrs. O said...

Sugar is evil! Is that why it tastes so good? ;)

Enjoy the day with your other half!

Karen Butler Ogle said...

Unless blogger changed mine without asking, my word verification has been disabled. I have ALWAYS hated that thing. I do have my comments moderated though for the few hateful people who just can't help themselves when commenting on blogs. Thanks for stopping by with support. I wish I could say it has been a better day but things are still tough. Maybe tomorrow will be better. Dail will be home then and I should feel more secure.


Caron said...

Glad you mentioned the new two word, impossible to read, verification things. I don't try more than twice and then I go elsewhere. I remember a blog from a year ago that said we should all disable that and I did.

Jordan said...

Just disabled my captcha thingy. Since most of us are doing it, it will be much easier to comment!

Along with the lingering sugary grief that the strawberries gave you - I hope you got much value out of eating them! I hope they were the height of yummy and worth every bite!!

Chinagirl said...

thank you for your post, Mir. I really appreciate it, when you show us links where you find helpful stuff. By now you should know, that I also have a hard time to stay away from sugar! So, I bookmarked "Whole Health Source"! Thank you for that link.
And - I hope you can comment on my blog again. I disabled this awful verification thingy on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Oh thank goodness I thought it was just me, and was looking at reading glasses as those stoopid verification phrases are unreadaable, no matter how many times I asked for a new one. I even tried the audio option - not helpful.