Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Just a quote to get my depressed butt in motion...

In a paper, published in Physiological Reviews, the journal of the American Physiological Society, Karpe and Frayn describe how exercise not only prompts fat cells to release fat for use by muscles but also that raising fitness gives a long-term boost to the mechanisms that burn fat - meaning that fit people find it easier to get rid of fat.


Jane Cartelli said...

Well, I believe it when I look at the 220 pounds I have lost but I think they are lying when I look at the 24 pounds I still want to lose.

Sometimes my workout brings me a real high and other times I hate the thought that I will be back there tomorrow. . . . .

But it does beat gaining the wait back. I do it for that. I am also very grateful I am not using exercise as a way to eat more food. That has never worked for me. Give or take 100 calories, I do NOT lose maintain when I add back the number of calories I supposedly burn.

Jo said...

Ho hum. Just another reason to get my big belly and butt doing more cardio. And to put down the pizza. Thanks for the reminder. Hello, broccoli.

Jane Cartelli said...

Ugh, I mean weight, not wait.

PlumPetals said...

I can see the logic in their findings. Healthy habits lead to good health ... if only it was that easy to implement. Well, it probably is, but I've set up too many mental obstacles that I need to get through!

Bluezy said...

I see it that you are also able to tone and get the spots more curvey like you.

Working the spots with your phat Pilates.