Sunday, April 1, 2012

Dang, I Gained 9 Pounds Overnight??? How'd That Happen?

Maybe it was that 12 inch high goblet of double chocolate mousse with whipped cream that followed the extra cheese pepperoni pizza we had for dinner.*

Um, was that a bad choice? Does that count as a binge? Hm.

Should we have had the  Big A** Salad (as the Paleo folks call it) for supper instead?**

Oh, well. I'll do better today. Lots of veggies and fruit with my protein. As usual.

Tee hee.

*No, we didn't eat this. April Fool's Day, babycakes! I have no gained an ounce!

**Yes, this is what I actually had last night. Organic and yummy with some of the nicest tomatoes EVAH!


Anonymous said...

Totally funny. Thanks for the chuckle. I think it is all salt. You are retaining water!! At least that is my excuse today.

Nanette N. said...

ha! lovely! You had me for about 2 seconds. 9lbs!?!? heh.

Caron said...

I am soooooooo gullible! I bought the story until I saw "Tee hee." Salads are awesome. I had one for lunch with shrimp. :)

Jane Cartelli said...

My heart started racing as I saw your post on my blog roll. I was already thinking: What can I say to give Princess some peace and hope. . . .then when I clicked and saw the word "goblet" I knew . . . you were The April Fool queen for a day! heehee

WWSuzi said...

I started reading and said to myself WHAT!!! Then kept reading and I knew you wouldn't do that :) Thanks for the chuckle.

Angela Pea said...

SO glad it's April Fools!!

Jordan said...

very cute! Thanks for the laugh!!

Mrs. O said...

That was awesome! Kinda like the Steak Fillet that Chik-fil-A said they were introducing and had peeps in an uproar. Turned out to be their April Fool's joke. Funny.

But we both know too much salt could easily have us gain 9lbs in one night. That's scary just knowing it could be true!