Thursday, March 15, 2012

Oh, let's just call yesterday's post the E2E Midweek Update #11, Shall We?(with some more pics, so are you sick of seeing my face yet?)...and a "hug and thanks" to Casey for the Yerba Mate and lil gifts...

It pretty much summed up the week. Weigh-in yesterday was 180.8 and today was 182.0, which makes me roll my eyes at myself at the massive sodium ingestion last night. Now and all I need to add is the quotes. So, just think of this post as adding up to yesterday's  and it sums up my update (midweek).

"The ability to discipline yourself to delay gratification in the short term in order to enjoy greater rewards in the long term is the indispensable prerequisite for success." 
~~Maxwell Maltz

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. ~~Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)


Now, I'm off to finish shelling the organic English peas that were in my coop. And I get to try yerba mate for the very first time ever (thanks, Casey!) Paraguayan, no less.

Here, some pics from today:
My "sides" I took with me to the restaurant I
usually hit up after Pilates. Sweetener, coconut water,
supplements, a few small sliced tomatoes (this place
tends to have lousy 'maters), and a sliced organic orange for dessert.

Post-Pilates messy, but happy to be stretched out
and warm-muscled after this weird neck spasm
that hit me yesterday (ouchie) while grooming.

Shelled and unshelled peas...
"Sunshine" souvenir on a Stormy Day:
Gifts from Casey, a sweet Challenger!
Yerba Mate, anyone?

I am not doing as well as I'd hoped by this time of the week. It vexes me that I have this "block"...this setback. But, I plug on. This too will pass...  I am cheered, always, by the kindness of comments and the occasional generosity of fellow fatfighting bloggers who mail cool things to me! Besitos!*

Be well...

*"lil kisses" in Spanish


Nanette N. said...

Indeed it shall pass. It's so lovely to see your smiling face! :)

Jo said...

You are looking more like your happy self today, Mir. I have been wanting to try that coconut water, but have not been to the "city" for groceries in awhile. It is on my list.

Beth said...

Thanks for your comment to me to get back to posting, I shall do so forthwith.

AAAAAGGGGHHH to the 80's. At least you are holding steady, it's an impressive feat given that the odds are stacked against us fatties. (or former fatties in your case)

I would give anything to be holding steady at 180 right now!

Hang in there, you are doing really well, it's an inspiration in this weight loss world of chronic drop outs. (Where do all the bloggers go?...)

Karen Butler Ogle said...

Princess, I am feeling you. I haven't weighed in a couple of days. I am hoping for a good weigh in on Sunday. I still have a couple of days. Hang in there. :)

Mina said...

Love the pictures! Hope you have a nice weekend :)

Jordan said...

Ah, the camera loves you! I am the one that looks perfectly fine in real life, but as soon as the camera clicks, one of my eyes is closed and I have a ghastly sneer and a shiny forehead. Somehow there's always a light right above my head and my hair looks thin. It's SO rare to have a good picture of me.

I gained 2 pounds too, without eating anywhere near 7000 calories. Sigh.

Princess Dieter aka Mir said...

Nah, buddy buds. I just delete the crappiest of the pics. :D I am a bit I used to avoid the camera like mad (what with my no-cheekbones and lousy teeth). But I'm old enough now that the small stuff, I don't sweat it. I do delete the more wall-eyed or hinky shots. ; ) Thanks, everyone, for the comments.

Casey said...

So glad you got the package I sent, and curious ... what do you think of our tea??
You are beautiful! Besitos y abrazos!!