Thursday, December 15, 2011

Milestone Pics: My First "Medium" Top since the mid 1980s. And back in regular women's sized sneakers!! :D

I wore 11W when I began walking in January.
I'm wearing 10M now. In the same styles, too. :)
Yes. Feet get fat and feet slim down,
along with everything else.

My first "medium" top in decades. I'm ready for
the holiday partaying! Thanks, TJMaxx, for the
purdy and CHEAP tops.


Katie J ♥ said...

That is a lovely top and you look FANTASTIC Mir. What a great feeling huh?

Karen Butler Ogle said...

Love the top and the sneakers too, Princess. Lovely top, especially. It looks wonderful on you. You have come such a long way. Give yourself a good pat on the back, dear.:)

Caron said...

Awesome! :)

Itsallmaya said...

you look great! kudos!

lv2 said...

Looks great! You are such an inspiration and you sure look that outside slit in the sleeve.

Karen said...

You look great! Congrats and enjoy your parties. Great milestone.

Anonymous said...

Love it. Great fit, great color. Enjoy!

Fatoutofskinny said...

Cute top

Claire said...

Look at those curves! Beautiful! And it will be much easier to buy shoes now, huh? Congrats! :D

Sarah said...

That top looks amazing on you! Congrats on your new NSV moments!

Jordan said...

Those are great pictures! Congrats on the NSVs that you've had this week!

Rachellabelle said...

That top is absolutely gorgeous and shows off your amazing curves!

Karla said...

Woo hoo

Jane Cartelli said...

Hey Sexy Lady, My feet shrank but not enough. I am a 10.5, which they do not make. Most 11 are too big, most 10 are too small. I am wide at the front of the foot and narrow at the heel. I have to shop for shoes like Goldilocks. This one is too big, that one is too small . . . . sometimes I find one that is just right . . . . and the the three bears come and take all the money out of my wallet. . . .

Jane at

Beth said...

My feet go up and down in size too! I love having skinny feet, lol.

And the top looks fabulous, it's really pretty and feminine. Enjoy!