Wednesday, December 21, 2011

E2E 2012...yep, I finally chose a challenge name

Read see what "E2E" stands for.

Can you guess before looking? :)

Here are clues:

I already have my dress--it nearly fits. It's a size 14 Nine West. I fit some 12 and mostly 14's and some 16, depending on cut. My boobs tend to be the deciding factor....cause what fits fine below, won't fit above sometimes, especially snug fit items. The "little black dress"perfectly fits my hips/thighs/waist, but won't zip up where I have that upper torso fat/big boobs. I don't know it boobs/upper back fat will shrink selectively, but I love the simple, classic, sleeveless shift look and I can take a pic showing how far it will/won't zip up. :D


lv2 said...


Unknown said...

Great pics... Evolving Eve?? LOL, ok I'll just go read all about it. I may be inspired to write something for the pics though in the future:-)

downsizers said...

The way clothing is sized makes me crazy. I have a pair of size 20 pants that fit me better than the 18W which are falling off and I have to wear a belt so the crotch won't be down to my knees. The 16W are fitting pretty well but they fit like the size 20. I know the "W" means a fuller cut but for crying out loud! Great idea for the challenge. You are such a good leader because you expect participation and completion. Having a limited number of spots creates a sense of importance. Feel free to use my ideas for a challenge if you want. I was going to incorporate only behaviors and they would build on each week. The first week would be getting 64 oz. minimum of water down daily. The second week would be the water and exercise 3 - 5 times per week. I thought of then having a week to "coast" and settle in and make those new behaviors the new normal. The fourth week would add another behavior like no eating in the car or only sitting at the table or whatever you determine or your challengers determine and commit to for themselves. It was just an idea. I have determined I am not the challenge type but I will be watching and have my pom-poms ready for cheerleading. Merry Christmas to you and your followers.

Anne H said...

LOVE that name too!
I was thinking Summer....
But that is just *wrong* on so many levels....
[Summer's Eve lol]

Unknown said...

OMG, too funny Anne!!

Maggie said...

Love the name and if not picked will follow the blog for inspiration!