Sunday, October 23, 2011

CDCC Update #6: At least it's not 180.4...but I'm definitely in plateau, and I'm gonna do some intensive looking into set points....

Tanita-San 180.2

I even took a pic with today's Sunday paper, cause the first time I stood on the scale, it said 180.4 for the SEVENTH STRAIGHT DAY, and I decided to make some coffee, pick out what I'm gonna wear to the party, look at some books to download on my Nook, and then I weighed again and it was...180.2.

I've come to the conclusion I am actually, finally, dammitedly in plateau. I ate moderately, exercised. Yesterday, I danced for 2 hours, ate 1175 calories (first time UNDER 1200). I've slept pretty decently on the days I could sleep my full complement.

I looked at other stuff, too. My TSH: it's up 1 point. That shouldn't send me into plateau, but who knows. Maybe. I tend to feel best in a very narrow range, and when I had a thyroid flare (a small autoimmune response), I figured it might affect my number. It did. But 1 point up shouldn't do this. (Will recheck in December, and hopefully, we can get me into my best range if I'm not there.)

I spent a year losing pretty steadily. I never hit resistance until this summer. Now, there's no question in my mind.

So, I'm gonna look into set point. I really think I've hit one. And what often happens when a legitimate plateau is hit, is that folks get frustrated, give up, and often start regaining. I don't want to do that. I want to find a way down. There's a Harvard nutrition expert who says we should only lose 10% of our weight at a time, maintain for 6 months, and let the set point lower, than go into another 10% losing phase. Well, a bit late for me to do that, as I lost steadily, not in phases. least I have that lifeline: If I can maintain for 6 months, my set point may adjust downwards. That's always a star of hope, yes?

But I want to lose sooner. And I don't want to do super-low calories to do that. I SHOULD be losing how I"m eating. Should. Ain't. Meanwhile, I press on:

This week I:

Exercise: Exceeded minimum
Fluids: Met
Calories: Mostly around 1500, but a couple lower days, and one under 1200.
Support: I've posted on various blogs.
Book: I'm reading a bit in one of my challenge books, but more in new ones to address the plateau/set point issue.
Dress: Doesn't fit, natch. And likely will not by December. I bought another one for the shorter range and will save the lace one for the longer range.

I'm pressed for time again today, so the quotes and scale pic will have to be added later.

I will add that the outfit I was gonna wear is too baggy. I only got to wear the fitted capris once, and the matching gold-flecked top. That part was frustrating. the "too baggy now" part is nice. Since it's nearly pristine (worn once!), I'll pass it on to a relative who could use it. 

I hope my fellow-challengers are hanging in, not quitting, doing well, still motivated, still hopeful. And above all...feeling HEALTHIER.

Be well...


Losing it in Vegas said...

I am plateaued too, but I am actually enjoying it (though not happy about it...)

Let me know how the set point thing works for you!

Becki said...

I'm also on a plateau, it been a month now but I'm still plugging along and waiting for things start going again.

Anonymous said...

Well, at least you know what's going on and you are formulating a plan to get through it. As always Mir, you're an inspiration. Yay on the 'too baggy!'. I have a lot of those now days being 50 pounds down.

Debsdailylife said...

'too baggy' YES!! plateaus suck!!! Im curious about the set points!

Karen Butler Ogle said...

I'm in a hungry place right now. I need to get back to my numbers and lose the couple of pounds I've regained this week. Just seem to be in don't care mode right now. Hang in there, Princess. Stalls don't last forever. You will probably see the scale move sooner than you think.

Julie said...

I am pretty sure that is why my weight either moves tiny bits or not at all. But it will as long as we don't give up. Your words are always inspiring Mir. Keep them coming. Take care and have a great week. Blessings!!

Anne H said...

But yeah, It's All Good!

"KT" said...

A year is a long time... perhaps your body is just "readjusting" a little bit. Whether or not the scale moves though, those clothes are telling you loud and clear that the Pilates is steadily doing something. Stay hopeful and healthy too! Your attitude has been an inspiration wherever the scale was/is. :)

Jane Cartelli said...

I looked back thru my weight loss records and I had a plateau at 173.0 lbs for 11 days once. On the 12th day I was 172.5. On the 13th day I was 168.0 and on the 14th day i was 164.0 pounds. I was so shocked I got scared that I was now losing too quickly and really was dying. I tried to gain weight for two days - which of course, quickly worked to put pounds back on my body.

Moral of story: ride out the plateau and ride out the falls that come when it breaks.


Anonymous said...

You are doing fantastic, whether the scale is moving or not!

Angela Pea said...

I stayed plateaued for the better part of a year, losing and gaining the same two pounds over and over. It finally broke, but it took a huge increase in exercise effort, upping the intensity, duration and variation. Adding some serious weight training (uh, lifting free weights instead of machines) helped.

I'm feeling incredibly healthy! I'm losing slower than a snail can crawl, but I went down another jean size the past few weeks. Joy!

NewMe said...

Read this article, by bariatric specialist Dr. Arya Sharma: You might change your mind about the benefits of restricting your calories even more than you do already.

Unknown said...

Plateaus are so very frustrating! Are you seeing any changes in inches at all, or body tone? The fact that your outfit is too baggy is indeed a sign that your work isn't going unnoticed:-).

Lyn said...

I totally believe in set points. Ialways lose a chunk and then plateau for awhile (even though the plateaus are caused by difficulty staying on plan, it's all connected).


lv2 said...

It will get better....I'm having the same problem currently. It's happened to me before when I lost weight....I just wish it happened at a lower weight, but i know that if i persist and don't give in the scale will start moving again. I stayed the same for about 6 weeks last time...but I was at 190 that time and eventually got down to 165....too bad I didn't stay there. As you said the trick is not to give up.

Jo said...

Yes, keep us posted about the set point. I think we all hit it from time to time, but it certainly is frustrating!