Monday, October 3, 2011

Before & Afters, from Morbidly Obese to Overweight: Some pics in pairs for get to another AFTER... :D

Just for comparison's sake, a couple pairings~~~

Before: Pilates move morbidly obese, when getting through 1 hour of exercise was horrible :

 After: Pilates move overweight, but not obese, and getting through 1 hour of exercise is not a problem:

Before: Workout wear at 278 lbs, wearing 4x

 After: Workout wear at 183 lbs wearing L and XL:

Before: Clad in black at highest weight of 299 lbs, size 30, when I'd poop out EARLY
 After: Clad in black size 14 in the 180s (at Supercon, 1:00 AM, all day on my feet,  and still going strong)

Trust me. After is better.

Looking forward to even BETTER and healthier afters...


Sarah G said...

You are a rockstar!

Dr. Fat To Fit said...

Awesome post! Good for you!!

Sarah said...

Smoking hot! You know you look 20 years younger now? Dang girl!

Anonymous said...

AMAZING! AMAZING! So inspiring, thanks for sharing. Gosh, you rock. :)

Anne H said...

You look amazing - so different.... so determined.... so good!

Bluezy said...

OMG Princess! Such a drastic difference. I bet your butt is smaller than your thigh used to be, huh? You should do one of those wear your old pants pics. If you were a kangaroo, you could babysit the other joeys and put them all in, I bet.

Not to mention you look 30 yrs younger. Seriously.

Rachel Schofield - Virtual Interior Decorator & Home Stager said...

Happily ever after!:)

Julie said...

Yep, to everyone's comment and one more ... You were pretty then, you are BEAUTIFUL now!!

Becki said...

Wow, how awesome to see the transformation. So proud of you and your accomplishments so far, younare a strong lady.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU for your comment on my blog today. I read it as I was about to leave work and I was like... 'uhhhh F*ck that, I am NOT choosing failure!'. It became apparent to me that at lunch time, I did choose failure - normally, that would set me off for an entire day or two. I knew right afterwards that I wanted nothing more to do with the garbage I ate. Your comment helped solidify that mindset and make me fight my way back to where I have been... a happy place! I came home from work and exercised, walked, strengthened... for 3 hours. I couldn't stop. I kept saying, 'I am not choosing failure, thats bs!'. I felt like I was on the brink of death at one point and I remembered the quote I put up with my post today and your comment. I kept going. :) Thanks, your comment was gold to me today. Absolute gold.

lv2 said...


Chinagirl said...

Your are awesome. I can understand, how you are feeling. I lost 23 kg last year and I felt like a new person after that. Now I'm just fighting with 6 kg, but it takes again a lot of right thinking. So great to see you so transformed.

Jane Cartelli said...

Your post from October first was my inspiration for my post today, October 7th. I linked to you, dear Princess. Thank you for the inspiration.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely amazing and inspirational. You have some will lady. When I see posts like this I have to suppress jumping from my chair and screaming with joy.

Nanette N. said...

this is the 4th time I've looked at your photos. I'm having such a hard week making good decisions. I'm identifying so strongly with your before photos right now. Even though I've made my own progress. I so look forward to being able to share such significant photos.

20to12 said...

Oh my, you look just incredible and so much younger! Congrats on your achievements!! x