Monday, November 5, 2012

A Quick Check-In and Feeling Bummed About the NE Buddies Post Storm...

All right, first off, the accountability of numbers: 175.2

That was my weight this AM.

Last week, I was 174.2

At my last check in mid-September (a bit over a month and a half ago), I was 173.4

That's not a trajectory I like. Almost two pounds up.

Habits dropping off slowly. I still watch some of what I eat, but not utter carefully. I do nearly NO exercise. Not in four months. When hubby lost his job and I stopped doing my Pilates training, the motivation to move just came to a screeching halt.

With a reduced salary, personal training is just not an option. So, I need to get myself a program of my own devising and move. I've lost my tone and beautiful muscle. I am mushy and I hate it. But it's my fault, so no one to blame but MYSELF.

I won't wallow. It would be a stupid thing, counterproductive, and, in light of the horrors some of our countrymen and women are going through in the wake of economic upheaval and natural disasters--had online pals who had to flee those Colorado fires, have friends and family with prolonged joblessness, have online friends & IRL friends and family affected in ways from minor to all-out major from Hurricane Sandy. Allan, my once fearless leader in weight loss, lost all his material goods. All.

I have NO right to moan. None.

I simply acknowledge that whether it's losing or keeping off fat, it's hard and requires consistence and vigilance and not letting old habits reassert.

So, I've stayed out of obesity for 1 year and 3 months. But I know it's easy to get BACK IN OBESITY, so this little bloggy check-in after an absence due to, well, lack of interest i weight loss blogging, is a HELLO to you lovelies out there, and a HEY, PAY ATTENTION to this girl right here, typing this post.

The Lord bless and protect and restore calm and peace to all affected by the recent northeast storm. This once-New-Yorker feels pain seeing the devastation. We have extended family and friends in Jersey and NY. It hurts to see what's happened.

Remember to give to disaster relief. Check that it's legitimate. We all want the victims to be helped, not scammers.

One day, that could be you. Or me. (And yeah, I've lived through hurricanes, with, thank God minor losses/damages, not utter devastation.) You may not know where you'll sleep or how you'll get to work one day, too, and need to rely on the kindness of strangers. And, of course, pray. Winter is a nasty season up north. No one should be worrying where to live. Let's pray for a milder winter...and many open doors and hearts.


safire said...

Sending you positive and happy thoughts.

Good luck with everything. I have no doubt you will succeed in anything you set your mind to.

Dr. J said...

I just want to say I appreciate the fair and balanced comments you made on Diane's site!

Prevention IS the answer for sure. I've always tried to be a it's easier to stay out than get out kind of guy :-)

Julie said...

You and me both Mir. I really have to get my mind and body back into all of this. I have lost most of what I gained back when Mike left but still have a ways to go to get to the right numbers. It's hard, it takes time and dedication and more. I too see the mushy from not keeping up with my activity. I rejoined the gym and now just have to get there and get motivated. Gotta do this.
Good luck, take care and yes, lots and lots of prayers heading to all the troubles out there.
Blessings my friend!

Jane Cartelli said...

So happy to see you posted. Please do not let this insecure period in your life lead you to isolate away from the good habits that brought you your success.

Remember that the neighborhood in our heads is a dangerous place. We should NEVER explore there alone.

Any movement is a great start. Don't think of what you were doing. Think of what you CAN do today.

Know that I pray for your continued recovery from obesity.


Diane, Fit to the Finish said...

You are doing a wonderful job of analyzing how things are going for you. There are great websites with weight training you can do at home like the American Council on Exercise, EvilCyber, and more.

I'd encourage you to stay focused on those healthy habits that have helped you maintain for this long.

You have a good heart and thanks for the reminder to pray for those who are in need and reach out to help them.

Val said...

So nice to see a fresh post from ya babe!
My former SIL (NJ) called me yesterday; it was good to hear from her even in the midst of such tragedy. They were without power but no property damage; she was fortunate to have gotten a small generator so she could run fridge/microwave.

Beth said...

Hello to you in Miami. Sorry to hear about your friends facing difficulties. It is always good to have perspective.

When I was maintaining my weight loss (many moons ago) 3 pounds was my alarm limit upwards, I always reigned the calories in a bit to knock off those 3 pounds to stay at 140. That was a good habit that served me well for 5 years. If only I had such luxury now!

You are doing really well, lovely to have a post from you, I always find your posts so motivating.

I dunno about the exercise, I wasn't ever particularly adept at keeping exercise in my life. Even when I maintained all I did was walk to the train station which was about a 2 mile walk one way and then I did some yoga but not a lot. I never thought that exercise helped me control my weight, it obviously helped my mood, helped me to feel better physically and made my body look better but it never was a good weight loss tool for me. Not sure why I said that buy hey ho, just rambling.

Ok, enough of that.

Thanks for the reminder to post, will update soon. Lots of love from gloomy grey short days London. Dark at 3? Why, I never!!!

Beth said...

OMG I just typed a super duper long comment. Did it get deleted in the sign in hooplah. GAH.

fatgirlfit said...

Hi there, looks like you and I are in a similar boat - I am also 4 months out of training and disliking the wobble that has crept back into my walk.

Like you, I have just decided enough is enough and I'm going to start training myself at home.

You clearly have a lot of determination or you would never have lost the weight in the first place, so I think it's just a case of regaining focus. Good luck, I'm rooting for you.

fatgirlfit said...

Hi there, looks like you and I are in a similar boat - I am also 4 months out of training and disliking the wobble that has crept back into my walk.

Like you, I have just decided enough is enough and I'm going to start training myself at home.

You clearly have a lot of determination or you would never have lost the weight in the first place, so I think it's just a case of regaining focus. Good luck, I'm rooting for you.