Thursday, January 12, 2012

E2E Challenge, Midweek Update, Week 2: Well, this sucks...and snacking is just not my pal...

Got no vim. Feel like crawling back to bed. Maybe take a book with me.

The energy curve done dipped down to the ground...

(Hmm...there's a song there somewhere...)

I made my current fave brekkie, ate 1/2, and really don't want the rest. The eggs have gone cold now..the spinach, the bit of Canadian bacon. I ate 1/3 of the orange. None of the papayas yet. Coffee, one cup down. One cup to go.

I was very snackish yesterday, and instead of having a proper dinner, just sort of had a weird array of snackyness , a bit at a time, over several hours, of the following:

PaleoCrunch "granola" with the new unsweetened Coconut Almond Breeze  for "milk" (stuff rocks, if you like coconutty taste), then two Fuji apples w/ some walnuts, then a bit of low fat cheddar (roughly 1.5 to 2 ounces),and later feta cheese and olives, topped out at around midnight by a few strips of leftover blackened chicken breast and some Beanitos gluten-free chips. Oh, and a lot of coconut water, 150 calories worth.

It's weirdly unsatisfying to me to snack, bit here, bit there. I do so much better when I just sit down and eat a dang meal!

I someone put something heavy in the air on top of my head and I'm feeling the gravitational push down, down down.


Anyway, my goal is just not to do the snacking thing today cause I don't feel like cooking. To simply make my food--or just order something healthful, like from the Thai place--and eat it normally, satisfyingly, and cut the snacking crap out. It can only lead to easily loses track of the snacky stuff, I find. Well, maybe you don't; but I do.

I'm gonna try to get enough mojo to walk a bit. I am not feeling it. I wanna just...nap.

To my fellow E2E challengers: My lack of zip means it's EVEN MORE IMPORTANT you keep track of your buddy. I can't keep up, even the normal amount I would when I felt great. It's up to YOU to stay on top of it, so I don't have to. I should not be the one to remind buddies to update, make sure a link is in by deadline, etc. So, please, look after one another. Right?

Okay, gonna drink my green tea, try to finish more of my breakfast so I don't get overly hungry too soon.

I want my VIM BACK!  Do you hear me body. I am telling you to heal up, charge up, get your endocrine ways on the right path, and get me all up and zippy. Hear that? Yeah, you hear me. Now, get cracking!

Hoping your day is full of some good energy mojo. Be well....

And stay tuned for my review/book giveaway....(it's coming, it's coming!)


downsizers said...

I am sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well. Times like this are a true test of our resolve. I hope you feel better soon.

Karen Butler Ogle said...

Hang in there. Mir. Tomorrow is another day. I have not energy either but I'm going to make myself get up and get ready to go over to Bethany's in a couple of hours. We will have dinner together and play some games. Maybe that will invigorate me.

Caron said...

Hope you get the vim back soon. :)

Nanette N. said...

man, this is the first time I've ever read about you being down in the dumps. But the book and bed thing might be a good idea. Do you need rest? You're going in to get your thyroid checked out again right? I just remember something about a doc visit coming up for you... I hope that it helps you figure out what's going on. I'm sorry you're down. You can pull out of this. Tomorrow will be a better day. For sure.

Candy kankles said...

I hate that feeling im sending you happy energetic zipitty doo dah vibes!!!

Jordan said...

Glad to read an update, even if it's just OK. I was beginning to worry about you. Can the doc's office slide you in if they get a cancellation before your appointment? Is there any advice they can give you over the phone? Maintain the best you can - bed and a book and tom yum soup sounds like a good option too.

Jillian said...

I'm sorry that you aren't exactly full of vim right now. I'm not either, but I'm not giving up, and I know that you aren't either. I've also been feeling extraordinarily snacky lately, but like you, the snacking never seems to satisfy me like a full meal would. I'll be sending you and your body positive vibes, and if I happen to find my vim, I'll tell it to drag yours back too.

Jillian said...

I'm sorry that you aren't exactly full of vim right now. I'm not either, but I'm not giving up, and I know that you aren't either. I've also been feeling extraordinarily snacky lately, but like you, the snacking never seems to satisfy me like a full meal would. I'll be sending you and your body positive vibes, and if I happen to find my vim, I'll tell it to drag yours back too.

Anne H said...

The Vim and Verve!
Last seen headed home back to you!

Retta said...

Oh noes! Thanks to Candy kankles, I have the Zippity do dah song running through my head, LOL!

So sorry you are feeling vim-less. I had thyroid problems for years, and it sounds like you are on to something there. I hope they get it straight fast!