Sunday, September 18, 2011

Christmas Dress Countdown Challenge Update for September 18 (end of first week)

Tanita-san today: 182.2 Initial
Challenge weigh-in: 184.2
Loss for the week: 2 lbs...even.
Exercise: Pilates x2, Walking x 3 (goals met)
Fluids: Goals met.
Calories: Oh, um, no. Had that 2000 calories day, but had enough "in range" days and one "below range" day to help make up for it. Plus made an effort to walk longer and faster to burn up some. :)
Books: Began reading the self-coaching one, and posted a bit about it.
Support: I've been reading some of the challenger blogs and leaving comments. I'm sure I didn't get to all, but a significant number. If I haven't visited you, let me know, k?
It was a tough week, but I just worked through it. I'm still not in the great zone that, ideally, I like to dwell within, but I'm keeping the faith I'll be there again, that sweet spot where I am pumped and on target and above and beyond, even. That's a nice place to be and I want back!

To all my fellow challengers, please remember to link up; the link tool is already up in a post at the challenge blog. Let's start the second week of fourteen in the CDCC with a resolve to make it through and make it to that smaller-sized outfit fitting well!


Finding_a_Path said...

You will definitely make your goal of a size 12 dress (or less!) if you start up this one little tip I have for you - start running! It is a-m-a-z-i-n-g!! I swear by it for shedding and burning fat like you'll never believe. Just add some little jogs in your walks to a street corner or street light and before you know it you'll want to just keep going to the next one and the next one.
54 days ago I could barely run 50metres without puffing my lungs out and lactic acid pumping through my legs. Tonight I went on a casual easy 25minute run. And that's one of my short days! Give it a try :-)

Caron said...

Great first week!

Joy said...

You are doing great!! Keep it up and stay focused!

Karen Butler Ogle said...

I'm here cheering you on and wishing you the best of luck, Princess.

lv2 said...

For a tough week you did great..keep up the good lead so us ducklings can try to follow.

Julie said...

Great job Mir. I was just short of the 2 lbs but next week will hit that mark. Keep up the great work. Take care and have a great week. Blessings!!

Losing it in Vegas said...

Awesome on the 2 lb loss! You did great.

WWSuzi said...

Looks like your off to a great start!!

Sarah said...

Great loss this week! I see the 170's coming very very soon for you!

"KT" said...

Great job getting back to it, that can be so hard but you took control back! Hope you find your sweet spot again really soon. :)

Unknown said...

2 pounds is a great loss, congrats! Size12 here you come!!

Angela Pea said...


Anonymous said...

I think the first week is always either the best or the worst in how good we try. 2 pounds is GREAT! You are going to get to your goal! Yay! :)

Kim said...

great job 2 lbs is awesome!! Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Wow! You're doing great! Very inspiring. :