Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Prayer Request: My Nephew

I was just nudging him a couple weeks ago to eat better. Just heard last night he was back in the hospital for the second time this summer, dialysis after a bad reaction to some medication that hit his kidneys. for a . Hubby took the day off and we were going down there at noon to see him.

Now, I just got a call from my brother and sister--he's been judged brain dead.

What?<---this is still not sinking in.

I lost it. I'm about to lose it again.

But my sister asked for prayer. I calmed down enough to type this before heading to the hospital to FB and do this and ask my friends from church and my online acquaintances.

If you're a praying person, please pray...quite frankly, for a miracle. We call him "Kiko".

I keep seeing the little boy I grew up with and the man who has a 12 year old daughter. And I can't accept this. My brain went on strike.

Things change so fast. Hug and kiss your loved ones TODAY, RIGHT NOW.

And please pray. Sorry...can't type more.


  1. I am so sorry for this whole situation. It's so sad when someone we love gets hurt and it's even worse when it's an innocent child.

    I am sending you and your family positive thoughts and well wishes.

  2. Yes... just prayed NOW for Kiko, and will continue. Included you and his family, for comfort and healing and strength.


  3. Prayed for Kiko and his loved ones.

  4. My thoughts are with you and your family. x

  5. My prayers are with your nephew and the whole family. Stay strong lady!

  6. I'm so sorry for your family, my thoughts are with you.

  7. I'm praying for all of you, Princess. I'm so sorry. Life is so unpredictable. I wish you all well.

  8. Keeping Kiko in my thoughts and prayers!

  9. I will be praying my everlovingheartout for Kiko. And for you all. ♡

  10. Sending prayers for Kiko and all of you.

  11. I'm keeping Kiko and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  12. Praying for you all now. Remember - God is a God of Miracles!

  13. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Kiko.

  14. Oh honey we love you and my thoughts and prayers are with you all

  15. Oh no. I don't even know what to say. What a shock. Please keep us posted. My thoughts are with you and your family.
    ((HUGS)) to you, sweet Princess.

  16. Sending thoughts and prayers to Kiko and all family.

  17. And in your sadness, you took the time to remind us all to hug our loved ones. You just never know. Thank you for that powerful reminder. Sending prayers.

  18. So sorry to hear about this...will pray!

  19. I'm so sorry about Kiko. I will be praying for him. Remember miracles happen. I'll be praying for a miracle.


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