Thursday, July 14, 2011

Update...and it's not good

Barring divine intervention, my nephew might pass away by end of Friday. So, really....I'm not home much and I spend most of my time keeping my sister, his mom, from diving off the deep end and trying to stay sane myself. My nephew is close to me in age, moreso than my siblings, so I grew up with him like he was my little brother. We went to the same grammar school and I took care of him and his sis on summer vacation, cooking pancakes and eggs and being silly kids.

And I totally can't wrap my mind around the reality that I--again, barring a no-doubt-about-it miracle that raises the brain-dead--won't ever talk to him again on this earth.

Well, life can suck really bad sometimes. It's beyond awful right now.

Thank you for your prayers and please pray for my sister and BIL and niece. We have a large extended family, so we fill up to overflowing the ICU waiting room (which is pretty roomy) . They've been very kind to let us visit, by 2s and sometimes by 3s to see him. WE're talking dozens of Latinos weeping and drinking coffee and reminiscing and weeping in these rooms. All for one 44 year old guy who, to me, is still that little boy who loved to draw and fish and eat French Fries for breakfast.

Again, thank you for your kind comments and prayers.

I don't know when I'll be in the mood to return. We have no idea when what will happen will happen, aside from the likelihood that it will be soon....and that his 12 year old daughter will be told tomorrow the horrible reality of why dad is in the hospital.


  1. Still keeping Kiko, you and them in my prayers.

  2. I'm so very sorry Mir. I'm praying.

  3. I'm in kind of the same situation. My cousin, who is five years younger than me (44), just died last night after a long bout with cancer. My aunt, my Mom's sister, is hysterical as is my Mom who is understandably upset for her sister, as well as mourning her niece's loss.

  4. I can't say anything that will make you feel better right now, but I am so sorry about all of this.

  5. I am so sorry, take care, my prayers are with you

  6. I'm very sorry, Princess, that this has happened to your nephew and by extension to all of you.
    I hope that whatever the outcome that Kiko is at peace and that he isn't suffering.

  7. Thinking of you, and yours -
    There are no words, just good thoughts for you!

  8. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. So sorry to hear of this.

  9. We are keeping you all in our hearts and prayers

  10. I will keep you all in my prayers. I am so sorry for the pain you all are going thru. My heart breaks for your family. Gracie

  11. Despite the disconnection by virtue of the "sterile" internet, I have you and your family in my prayers and giving each one of you the warmest virtual hug of comfort I can send. So so very sorry.

  12. I am so sorry, I will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers!

  13. I'm so sorry, Princess. I will remember your whole family in my prayers. There is nothing sadder than losing a loved one at such a young age. I know there is supposed to be a reason for everything but it is so hard to understand life sometimes. Thinking of you.

  14. Thinking of your and your family.

  15. Oh Baby. I'm so sorry. I will continue to hold you and your family up in prayer, for strength and comfort and an abundance of grace.

  16. So tragic. I am so sorry. Be strong, take comfort in the loved ones around you. Sending prayers and positive energy........

  17. Oh hon. My continued prayers for a miracle, and barring that for peace for you and your family in this tragedy.

  18. So sorry to hear this, Princess. You and your family are in my prayers.

  19. "hugs" I'm keeping your whole family in my prayers

  20. I'm thinking of all of you today, Princess. ♡

  21. My prayers are certainly with you and the family. I can't even imagine. Stay strong!

  22. I imagine with everything going on right now you have other things on your mind that the STSC, but I just wanted to touch base and check you were OK.


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