Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 34 in Slimmer This Summer Challenge, Part II: 110 Pounds Lost as of Today! And my assorted updates for the Challenge...

Well, 110.4 lost. :)

It's nice to cross another small boundary after a mild setback. I'm not on target for loss for the challenge--I'd have to be down 7.5 lbs by now for that, and I'm only down 6.4. So about a pound lagging to be ON goal. But the scale is moving properly downward again.

I was planning to do the challenge update tomorrow, but I'll just placemark this so I can linky up. I forgot to linky last week and wanted to make sure to chime in. If I feel like adding more, I will. Or I won't. Either way, this is my update. I'd originally planned to do it on Monday, but, eh. Might get busy.

~I did not eat 100% on plan this past week, but I did better than the previous one.
~I did have exercise nearly daily. Walking, swimming, playing Pilates.
~Water was great.
~Tracking calories daily, yes--but not always on SparkPeople.
~Trying to stay on top of blogging and hoping I'm not boring the swim shorts off ya.
~I did forget to pray for y'all on a couple of the more rushed days or cause my heart was praying heavy for something else so focusedly that, honestly, it's only on looking back that I realized, "Whoa, I missed that goal."
~I did hit up some blogs for support. :)  Hope I was able to cheer some of you.

Mood is back to normal chipper me. Clothes are looser--can one pound plus make that much difference, or is it muscle to fat shift, too?

Will try to do even better this week. My apologies for where I fell short. Onwad...

And to close out, my eyes are on a short-term goal: I just need to lose 3.6 more pounds to NOT BE OBESE anymore. Getting there, getting there...

Ah, sorry if this is a lousy update. I'm so summer-distracted. :D

Happy Challenging, people!


  1. Nice scale. Great feet and feat to be so close to not being obese!

  2. What an important milestone you are about to reach! Good job of making the scale move in the way you wanted, too.

  3. I am so happy for you! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!

  4. You are doing great and look amazing :-) I just keep losing focus and started back on the junk food this past week, don't know why I can't just kick that habit!
    Hope to be back on track this week and get moving again more.

  5. Wow 110lbs lost!! Fantastic

    Enjoy your summer

    Congratulations on going over the 110 lb mark, Princess!

    It's great to hear you're chipper as chipper can be again, too.

    Looking forward to you being "just" overweight. :D

  7. You are doing great, Princess. Keep it up. I can see that mini goal within your sights. I really admire your tenacity.

  8. I know fat to muscle shift can make a big difference! Good work going on here.

  9. Whoot!! It's fat to muscle shift. I'm shedding pounds so very, very slowly, but have slipped down another size.

    Have a wonderful week!

  10. Awesome Mir, just total awesome. Anytime I feel I need a boost I just have to come here and read a bit. Thank you for your comment today. It was a hard decission but even Brad understood and promised to add me to his next list if he chooses to do one.
    Take care Mir and have a blessed week.

  11. Your hard work is paying off. Congratulations.

  12. Great job you are doing amazing!

  13. So close to being out of that obese category! That is terrific! Congrats on a great week!

  14. It could be fat to muscle, but really, the line to feel the difference in clothes must be somewhere right? It may just happen that the pound you lost crossed it. Well done either way!

  15. Glad to see you're back to happy!! 110 lbs. is amazing. You've reached a point where the scale isn't going to be the only thing changing, you're body is moving and shaking and changing all the time, you know that. So it's not JUST the number on the scale.

  16. Glad to hear that you are feeling better. Congrats on passing a new milestone. You will hit that next one, (no longer obese) really soon.

    I know it is strange isn't it how just a pound or two can make such a big difference in clothes. You are doing so well, keep it up!

  17. You are doing a great job! Keep up the good work because the work is paying off. It never comes off as fast as we want it too, but then again look how long it took us to put it on! Great job!! Nicole @


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