Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wanna Join a Summer Weight Loss/Fitness Challenge to be "Slimmer This Summer"?

Then please visit Debbi's blog and read THIS.

There are rules and you will be required to blog your goals  for weight loss/exercise/fluids/etc and post your weekly updates/progress. You can blog about your issues and get support, too. You will need to be accountable and weigh-in weekly and send that weight to Debbi. You should expect to drink plenty of fluids, track calories, and exercise. You should be ready to support some or all of the other challengers (since I don't know how many will join, I hesitate to say ALL, as that might be a challenge in itself, so I say SOME.) We have 13 in it so far.

Remember, the point of a challenge is to be CHALLENGING, so expect to push your boundaries a bit and work to make your goals. And accountability is key, Be honest and be timely with your progress or lack of, with your losses or lack of.  View this as an adventure with online pals who want you to succeed!

Slimmer This Summer Challenge
Are you ready for a swimsuit?

I'm not! Let's work on it together! JOIN UP!


  1. I am SO not ready for a swimsuit! Summers coming though!

  2. I'm ready for a swimsuit ..... though I don't think anyone else is ready to see that! LOL

  3. Thanks for the support Princess! I took your advice and sent in my email to join the Summer Slimdown.

  4. I'm so sorry I wasn't there to celebrate the big Onederland victory with you but I'm doing the happy dance now. SO VERY PROUD OF YOU!!!!

    Awesome news.

    I have a black swimsuit but would like to fill it out a little less if you know what I mean. ;-)

  5. I may do this. I have to think about how to structure it first, since I have a different diet/exercise plan than most dieters. I may email you some questions later.

  6. I am going to do the challenge too :)

    I looked up pannus and it is actually related to the eyes or arthritis. I have always wondered so I looked it up today. I know a rather urban term but I think that it is part of the labia majora

  7. Here for pannus related to the fat belly:

  8. The challenge sounds great, I'm sure that it will be a benefit to everyone who joins in. I know myself, and I can't join challenges. I have to follow my own path or I start feeling rebellious and reach for old and unhealthy behavior patterns.
    Best wishes to you and everyone else, I'll be cheering you on.

  9. Swimming is the least impact sport you can do and bicycling to fight summer weight gain..

    Weight Gain


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