Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Before and After....since I finally found a "Before/Highest Weight" Photo!

I had mentioned in a post a few days ago how I found a pic of me at 299 lbs. Of course, I never weighed in at exactly 199.0, but I did make it to 198.8 Sunday (was 198.2 today). So, my commemorative 100 lbs lost pic never got taken. Boohoo.

I updated my PROGRESS PICS page to add the new photos.

Anyway, for now, the after photo is the one from last Saturday, and at 199.8, that's good enough to count for visual documentation. It's not like .8 of a pound (as Allan would say, a good couple pees or a poo's worth) would change my body configuration noticeably. Hah.

So, here it is, BEFORE and AFTER a 100 pound loss:

Before: 299 lbs at age 44

After (for now): 199 lbs at age 51

BTW, that lil round gut next to me in the before pic was hubby's tummy. He's lost 45 or so pounds since back then...but I'm STILL heavier than he is. Sheesh. (But I will get to be smaller again and "liftable" like I was in our newlywed days. I miss being LIFTED and carried by my man's manly arms.)

I still have more afters to go, until I get to goal weight (160 lbs). But I've come a long way and am very pleased about the progress. So glad I found that before pic. It will be my constant reminder of where I can end up again (or worse) if I do not make this commitment to healthful eating and movement a PERMANENT lifestyle change.

Happy progress to you all who fight the fat and hunt after health.....


  1. Wow, Princess! It's not only the weight that is noticeable, but you look 20 years younger in the most recent pic! A picture does indeed paint a thousand words.

  2. You are an inspiration! Sharon

  3. You do look so much younger now! Congrats to you and your hubby! Truly, you are an inspiration!

  4. I thought the same as Jo, you look much younger! You look awesome! Eventually I will have the guts to take some pictures. I think I'm several inches shorter so I may only weigh a bit more but I look a LOT bigger. You look SO good! I just want to hug you! :-)

  5. Come over here and gimme a big one, Debbi! Heh. I'm 5'6", for reference.

    Thanks, ladies. I hope everyone posts their befores and after. I know I always found it really encouraging to see it on fatfighter blogs. Proof the hard work pays off, you know. That is CAN be done!

  6. I thought the same. You are a strong woman who I know by your W.I.D.T.H. statement that you knew what that pic was leading to.
    You look so much younger,, now. More like someone's sister and not her mother!

  7. Wowsa lady you have made some amazing progress

  8. You look amazing! Like a real Princess. :)

    Great job and I know you're going to make it to your goal. You have determination, and that's at least 70% of what it takes.

  9. Well, okay. I really don't think you look like you weigh 299 in the before, BUT you sure do look a lot thinner and younger in the after shot, that's for sure!


    And thanks for your comment on my blog. Meant a lot--and you're absolutely right, this one's going to be fought in the heavenlies.


  10. Wow! You are a terrific inspiration!

  11. You are beautiful, kind and full of life!
    And congrats on the progress!

  12. Wow, what a fantastic difference! You are doing amazing!!!!

  13. Beautiful! I can't wait to be smaller for my man's hunky arms too.

  14. You are beautiful...you were beautiful but now amazingly so and just think a few more pounds and we'll have to get you a crown. You are doing so great Princess. Keep it up.
    Thanks for your kind words. You'll get to where you want to be in your workouts too. I really want to see if I can beat that time but know I need a days rest before doing it again but with just one wee one tomorrow I think I'll ask mama to come and sit during nap time so I can try in the middle of the day, the early you can run in a day the better the run is (or for me it seems that way).
    Take care and I told Debbi please include me in your challenge starting the 6th of June.
    God Bless my friend.

  15. forgive me as i am approaching that TOM but your pictures are bringing tears to my eyes! You are just beautiful beautiful BEAUTIFUL and your inner glow and energy is just exuding from you. I am so happy for you and inspired by you. :D

  16. Good golly woman! Look at you! Im so proud of u!

  17. You look Fantastic!!! Keep up the amazing work, its paying off!! Love it!!! Thank you for sharing the photos!!

  18. It blows me away how much younger you look now. Very impressive! You've gone so far. Congrats on the great success!

  19. You're looking great....I'm sur you will be liftable again

  20. You really do look amazing! I'm so happy for you! Thanks for being so inspirational!

  21. You look rather impressive I must say. I would've thought you were in your early 40ies by the "after" pics.
    Your smile is inspirational, I have to lose a lot of weight but people like you give me hope :)

  22. I agree with everyone else, My first thought was that you look years younger now. You always have such a beautiful, confident & happy glow in your pictures. Congratulations on the results of all of your hard work!


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