Thursday, May 19, 2011

Freaky Day of Cancelled and New Appts, My Curls Blown Out for First Time in 1.5 Years, And Lots of Fanfare About Loss , which was Nice!

Yesterday, Tanita-san said 198.0

I don't weigh on Mon/Thur cause I don't sleep enough those days and am usually hurrying to drink my coffee and water , get dressed, and head to Pilates.

Today, there was a wrench in my plans. I heard this weird beep around 11:10 am (a few minutes before alarm would have gone off), and it turns out it was my clock letting me know power to it was gone. Yep. No electricity. I heard thunking noises out back. The electric company was doing work.

I called my trainer and said I was dressed and ready to head out when the FPL dudes left (the trucks were blocking the garage outlet in the narrow alley AND I had no power to lift the garage door, as it's electric and I have no idea how to get it up manually). Well, come appt time, the FPL dudes were still there and I'm in Miami and it's warm and I have no A/C! I'm in the house in bra and shorts and sneakers. The juice came on around 1:33, and the FPL guys says it will be on for a short spell, then out again for a few hours.

I said, "Can you unblock me so I can get the car out of the garage and be mobile?" He was handsome and nice and did just that. I made a hair appt, got it trimmed and, for a novelty, blown out. Haven't had my hair blown out in 18 months, as I went naturally curly in Nov of 2009.

Hairdresser said my hair was in amazing good health. I said, "I use lots of good moisturizers and oils and I don't blow out or use flatirons. My hair has grown out without being abused. I also don't use regular shampoos. I use either a conditioner to cleanse, or a lowpoo cleanser (mild, no sulfates), and only occasionally use a stronger clarifying poo (a couple times a year), to make sure there's no build-up. I add conditioner to my hair every day after I get up and leave it in there. :)

Hypothyroid gals know what I mean when I say my hair thinned and turned to straw from the disease, and so it needs gentle care and loads of moisture. I have a lot less hair than I used to. Dang you, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis!

Here's pics of the blown-out Princess, who will soon be reverting to her natural curls. She didn't use any gels, creams, leave-ins or serums. My hair, essentially product free:

I'll do a protein treatment and deep condish to nurture it after the blow-drying trauma and back to my regularly scheduled curls, as in these pics from earlier this year:

Since I had no electricity and couldn't fix my eggs, I headed to the bagel place after my hair appt. I had eggs scrambled with spinach and mushrooms, some bacon, coffee, lots of water, and asked her to bag up the bagel (comes with eggs) and potatoes for hubby. He may not want either, but hey, I paid for 'em, so they're coming home for him or the trash.

I got so much hoopla at both the salon and the bagel place. I hadn't been to either in 3 months, so I've had more losses. :) Like 27 pounds more. I kept getting fussed over, complimented. I was a bit embarrassed, but it still was a glowing feeling mixed in with the embarrassment. :) The waitresses started talking to me about their losses and food issues (one lost 80+ and the other 50+ and she's an OA member).

I kept hearing, "transformation" and "makeover" and "look younger" and "look great" at both the salon and the restaurant. It's encouraging. I have a ways to go, so being cheered on is a good thing.

And to all who cheered me on here, complimented me, and made me feel like a REAL Princess, thank you. Thanks so much!

Well, since I didn't get my usual 1 hour Pilates, I'm gonna have to figure out another way to ramp up some activity here at home. I feel out of sorts when I don't get my good trainer-facilitated workout. My joints and body always feels so energized and GOOD after Pilates... Oh, and I lost my trainer fee. The policy is 24 hours for cancellation. Gee, thanks, FPL, for not giving ME warning!

I'll leave ya with two pics, one of me and one of my hubby, before our walk last evening. My hair is gunky and damp (it was dirty, and I like to wet my hair before walking to help keep me cool). Notice the TUCKED IN top. ; )  I am still fat, but hey, I have a waist:

Gunky Hair and 198.0 lbs May 18, 2011

Sweet Honeypie o' mine at 170 lbs who needs posture work. Computer hunch, begone!


  1. I LOVE YOUR HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!! Curly or straight, I love your hair!!! I think straight makes you look thinner, tho. :)


  2. You look maaahhvolous, dahling!!! Have you ever tried Wen? I get it through QVC and it's a conditioning cleanser, no phosphates, no suds. There are different kinds for different hair types. I use the cucumber/aloe and the tea tree. If your hair is course, you could use the fig. It's great stuff!

  3. I use Curl Junkie. I know the owner, she's a curly and is very sensitive to the needs of our hair. Her Gentle cleanser (lowpoo) and her cleansing conditioner (kinda like Wen's) are staples for my shower. My curly pals like her Daily Fix cc better than the Wen, so I never felt tempted to try Wen. Don't need to use anywhere near the Wen amount, so it ends up more cost effective. I love her med hold gel (adds shine and a little hold) and I helped test it, so it was cool to participate.

    But yeah, I saw the Wen commercial a couple times and ALMOST tried it, but really, I love my Curl Junkie, AG, Elucence, and Spiral Solutions I rarely feel the need to...wander. :D My hair has some fine and some medium and some coarse. A mishmosh. But it's mostly fine to medium. Thanks for the rec...

    Deb, man, I gotta find a way to have my curls "thinnify" me. hahahha

  4. Beautiful hair. I agree with Deb, straight makes your face look a bit tinner, but I still prefer the curly look. Either way, though, it's lovely.

    Too bad about missed pilates. At least you have your play walks with your husband. It's not a replacement, but still, a great addition to your activity list.

  5. I'm glad I am not the only one who feels embarrassed when people talk about or ask about my weight loss. It feels so awkward to me and I never know what to say.

  6. You and the prince are looking very fit. I think your hair looks good both ways but I prefer the curly look. I am "blessed" with what I call Little Girl Hair. It's fine, stick straight, and has NO body. You learn to live with what you've got. :)

  7. Your hair is beautiful. And, I love the tucked in shirt by the way! You look great!


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