Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 30 of Phase 5 Challenge: Where I'm Sore and Sick, but the Scale Moves At Last...

Tanita-San:  218.8

I am sick. I'm not sure at all what it is. Something I ate? A bug?

Yesterday, I had a bit of a hard time in Pilates at some points. I did fine with most exercises, really working it, but wooziness and nausea started to hit during the session. I had intended to do some walking afterwards, but the nausea got worse.

Then, a while later, the chills hit.

Now, normally I keep the a/c around 72 to 74 degrees. I put it up to 79 and covered myself with 1 sheet and 2 blankets. I was shaking and shaking. Hubby said I felt warm...

Today, all my muscles hurt. I'm guessing it's from all the shaking during the night. I feel like the 80 pounds are back---heavy, hard to move, drained.

The nausea is better...it's just background noise right now..minimal. I am kinda afraid to eat at the moment, cause I really hate puking....

No fever. So, whatever it was, it was a quickie (I hope).

I'm gonna drink fluids and open a can of soup and maybe have some yogurt and see if that doesn't make the nausea return. If all goes well, I can have a normal planned meal.

Anyway, I've heard people talk about some stomach bug making the rounds, so who knows...maybe it was that?


  1. So sorry you are ill, dear. I hope you feel better soon. :)

  2. I hope you feel better soon!

  3. Hope you feel better ASAP!

  4. You're feeling better now? Sorry you were sick. There is something going around.



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