Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 31 of Phase 5: Better, but still woozy, a bit of nausea, and more scale progress...

Tanita-san: 218.2

I was able to eat a large bowl of sopa de aguacate (basically, chicken broth with shredded chicken breast and some chopped veggies and avocado) yesterday and keep it down. So I had some grilled chicken and veggies wrapped in a tortilla with salsa and kept that down.

I still feel a bit woozy, especially when I move around, and a bit nauseous, lightly, but the chills seem to be gone (had another chills event last night). Soreness of the body is improved, but still there.

I had boiled eggs with fruit for breakfast. I have another soup for lunch. And I have leftover chicken that I can have for dinner. Hopefully, this will be out of my system soon.

I waited until hubby was home to shower. Was afraid I'd get woozy IN the shower and have a non-nifty event. All shampooed, shaved, and washed. That alone lifts one's spirits.

I'm not even gonna attempt any exercise and I canceled my Thursday Pilates session. Whatever this bug is, I'm gonna rest it right out of my system. As long as I'm careful with what I eat, the weight loss progress should not suffer unduly.

I hope everyone is doing well (or better, for those of you going through something--binges, illnesses). I've read or skimmed many of my fatfighting buddy's blogs, but have not been commenting much, sorry. Hope to be back in better supportive mode soon...

Be well...


  1. ooh no! I had that last week! I hope you are feeling much better tomorrow. YAY for the scale moving!

  2. I think rest is so important when you're sick- so good job at taking it easy for a while.

    Feel better!

  3. Hope that you are feeling better soon. Get plenty of rest & keep taking care of yourself.


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