Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 28 Phase 5 Challenge: First regressive weigh-in of 2011...and sleep issues continue..and on we go with another week of fatfighting...doing it dozy, if necessary

Tanita-san: 220.0

My first unprogressive weigh-in of 2011. That's a bit over a half-a pound increase from last Sunday.

There have been no binges. No cakes or pies. No pizza or lasagna. No burgers, cheese or otherwise. No booze. Yes, I've eaten well and on nearly all days at/near the 1200 mark.

But the loss of sleep really got to me. I only exercised 3 days out of 7. How immature is that? I could have fought the lethargy, but I caved. No fault but mine.

New week and even if the sleep bugaboos persist, there will be no slacking on the exercise. I will continue to fight the salt demon. Got no choice. My health is still priority one. It's not just about a number at the end of a challenge or a year or five years. The number, the goal weight, is part of a health overhaul. Eating better. Moving consistently. Yes, sleeping soundly. Learning to handle stress/anger better. Optimism. Achieving goals. It's all related to being a sounder, healthier, more agile/mobile/energetic/adaptive person.

Maintenance one day will be full of bobbles that one must learn to handle and strategize.So, this is one of those weeks. A gain of .8 is within normal fluctuations.


Eating at the level I am, should still show a loss.

I know I won't lose like I did at 260 or 240. I'm down 38 pounds from when I started this blog 6 months ago. That's about 350 to 400 fewer daily calories that I need from September 2010. That's nearly a pound's worth of calories a week...less that I burn. Cause I'm less weighty. :) 

But this week was still messed up. Without overeating, with sore muscles from the days I did exercise, I should have seen some loss.

Well, all I can do is push past the obstacles (sleep, mainly, at the moment) and keep doing what needs to be done for good health.

I'm not derailed...just stalled. And really wanna go back to bed.....

Hoping your Sunday is blessed and full of fun....


  1. Same thing happened to me. I gained weight and there is really no explantion. I never thought of the lack of sleep, ah, who knows. We just need to stick with it and it will happen. If you are eating right and exercising, than your body is healthier and stronger, despite the scale. Maybe the scale just has something againsts us this week! :-)

  2. I find one of my biggest downfalls is lack of sleep. Your body NEEDS rest and, if you don't get it, you'll suffer on many, many fronts. I got about five hours last night (down from the six the night before) Just do what you CAN do when you feel up to it so you don't burn out. :)

  3. Hang in there, Princess. I'm not on the challenge officially but I'm still following my plan and weighing on Sundays. I saw a gain this week too and though I had a few rough days with bad choices, I have been on track for a few days now. However, like you, I am battling the lethargy. My energy level is so low. I'm going to have to MAKE myself do something today. I managed a little weight work but I need to get some cardio. I wish both of us a better week this week.

  4. New week, new challenges, you can do it Princess. You know you can, you've come so far to not keep going.
    Try and get some sleep. Not sure why you're not sleeping but if it's stress or an occupied mind try reading before bed, try some sleep time tea, try to just relax.
    Take care my dear, God Bless!!

  5. It's crazy how lack of sleep can really throw a diet off, but at least you know what the problem is! I struggle with sleep (6 hours is a good night!) but am really sensitive to the drugs like Ambien. Get some rest-- Enlist hubby's help :D

  6. Stupid scale. Stupid stupid scale. I hate it when it does that. I can't stand it when it doesn't cooperate with all reasonable sensibility.

    Please just don't let this be a trigger for you - I find an unparticipative scale to be a huge trigger for me. Hope it's not for you.

    Now I'm going back to bed...

  7. It sounds like you're taking this small gain in stride, which is so important! In the big picture, it won't even matter.

    Sleep is SO important. I can barely function without at least 8 hours of sleep. Hope that you get more sleep this week!


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