Thursday, December 23, 2010

Spawn Day 17: Sleepy, Busy, May not Blog Again Till Holiday Feasts Done this Week..

I'm tired. I'm sleepy. I didn't sleep much.

Weigh in: same as yesterday.

I kept a running caloric tally in my head as I didn't get into Spark. Just under 1500. Water done, just under accelerated, but met minimum.

Today, doing fine. Was out. Car done. Lunch with hubby and sis. Home. Feel like zombie. Did a Kimi no Todoke anime marathon while doing nails last night (prep for color today, and yeah, I do my own pedicure). Made me feel good. I love sweet, innocent , friendship, romantic stuff like that.

Weather lovely. Took pics of ibises. Took pics of my feet in new pumps (I have ankles again, so I can wear girly shoes again).

Totally not in the mood to blog or even be on the computer. I'm gonna nap or have decaf. Not sure. :) More fluids, for sure.

Calories so far: just under 800. Plan to have one more meal and maybe a snack, depends on when I crash. Don't wanna crash too early, case tomorrow is the Nochebuena festivities, so if I crash early, get up too early, then I'll be sleepy mid-party. My body doesn't do these rhythm/schedule changes well in my dotage.

Happy pre-Christmas Eve. Drink your water. Eat moderately. If I don't blog again til after Christmas, then I wish you the bestest holiday ever!

Sorry to be dull. Later...


  1. Well, if you check on out - be well!
    and if not, I'll be hearing from ya later!
    Either way - drink your water.
    Santa says it's good for ya!

  2. Wishing you the bestest as well :)

  3. Have a happy Christmas. Yay for the new ankles! Woot! Work those pumps. And do post the pics of the ibises, for I know not what they are and am a person of great curiosity.

    Enjoy the time!

  4. You are NOT dull and we all need a break sometimes. Enjoy your day and the holidays too if you don't get around to blogging again before then. I will keep you in my thoughts. Thank you so much for all the support you have offered on my blog. Hugs. :)

  5. There are just days you want to veg. That is okay. I pretty much shut down the moment I walked in the door yesterday afternoon.

    Have a wonderful, low-sodium, Christmas! :)


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