Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 16 Spawn of SoDDDY Challenge: Where finally the body releases its fat hoard and Tanita-San grins at me, the veggie illusion pasta, and where I know I will not get enough sleep tomorrow so I'll go from Vampire to Zombie...

Another Spawny day was done and my calories ended at 1411   (49c/31f/20p).

After holding at the same weight a few days and being sodium-up a couple (frustrating a bit, yes), finally the downward whoosh:


That leaves me 20.8 lbs to lose to NOT be "severely obese" anymore and just "obese". Once you've lost 62 lbs, 21 doesn't seem as daunting. I'll get there.

I was actually surprised by a nice lower number since last night was pasta night. Hubby and I both looooooooooooooove our pasta marinara. Pasta/noodles are comfort foods for me. For sure.

I made mine with 3 cups of cooked zucchini, mushrooms, and spinach, filled a large pasta bowl with that big mass of veggies, then put the pasta on top (FiberGourmet, fewer calories, a bazillion fiber grams) then fat free mozzarella and sauce. It looked like a total binge amount of pasta, but was actually just the mass of veggies pumping it up.  My "veggie illusion pasta". Made my brain feel like I was being massively spoiled. I miss the tons of sauce and cheese I used to use, but my scale likes it better this way. Between the veggies and sauce, I got like 8 servings of veggies in one meal.

Tomorrow, lots to do to prep for holiday party, and one of the chores I have to do is get my car into the mechanic. This means that I will, essentially, not sleep much. I'm on vampire time, so I go to bed round 6 am. I have to get up early....I guess this means...3 hours sleep, maybe? I suppose I can crash and burn early, too.

I don't do well--scale-wise, food-wise, etc--when I miss sleep. This one is unavoidable. The brakes need tending to. And if I want my car back the same day--gotta go in early, then have things to do that are holiday related, so I can't come home and sleep first.

I'll just do my best not to freak in zombie-mode (different than vampire mode, really).

Hope others are having good whooshie days, fatwise. Stay away from the holiday junk. Have your healthful freggies. Enjoy the music and lights and smiles (there are smiles, right)



  1. Congrats on the whoosh! My scale went up a little. Must be some sodium issues because I have been a diet saint. Send some whoosh over here please. :)

  2. Same for me send some whoosh over here to me. Merry Christmas..

  3. Wow! Congrats on the whoosh, that is fab. I'm secretly hoping for a whoosh of my own this week but it's always dangerous to get one's hopes up regarding the number on the scales. That's a dangerous thing...

    21 pounds will be here before you know it!

    Just found a supplier of some high fibre pasta here in the UK, I'm quite excited about it. Going to feed it to the whole family, I just hope it tastes good.

  4. The whoosh is real!
    Just mis-understood!


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