Sunday, December 26, 2010

Spawn Weigh-In: A good week despite 2 Christmas Parties and 2 Pizza Events

As most folks well know, this was a week of temptations. Fortunately, the scale was happy with me:


A couple pounds lost this week. For me, snail-girl, outstanding.

I ate one of my supertop trigger foods--pizza--twice, once a delivery from Vocelli's cause hubby wanted some. I had ONE slice with a salad.

The next day, we had lunch out with sis, and she had a pizza yen (it's one of her main craving foods, too, we share that). So, we went to Anthony's Coal-fired pizza. And I got a salad and sis and I shared the personal size fresh mozza/basil one--about 10 inches cut in four slices--and she had 2 2/3's slices and I had 1 1/3.  It was really tough not eating the foccacia bread and more pizza, but having a tiny pizza rather than a large one made a huge difference. Less temptation.

Christmas dinner was not in my control, as it was not at a siblings's home as usuall, but an in-law extended family place. I brought a salad for myself, as that side of the family is vegetable averse. I was right. Only starchy plantains and potatoes. No salads/crudites. There were lots of desserts-cream puffs, brazo gitano, buche du noel, ambrosia, rice pudding, chocolates, cookies--and lots of chips and stuff.

I had some roast pork (about 2 ounces) and turkey fricasseed breast with olives and potatoes (more of that, since I love the stuff) and congri (black beans cooked with rice, traditional stuff), boiled plantains with some EVOO. The fricasee was excellent. Totally enjoyed that.

I hd for treats between 1/4 and 1/3 cup of ambrosia (made with fruit and yogurt and marshmallows) and 2 dark chocolate squares. I took my own bottles of water. :)

I got lots of nice comments on the weight loss, including one, "You look TOO good, girl!" I felt pretty and energetic and that was pleasant, indeed. Some of these folks at the party hadn't seen me since last Christmas, so I guess the drop was noticeable.

Yesterday's Christmas dinner at my sister's was prime rib with asparagus, mushrooms, roasted sweet potatoes and potatoes, and arugula salad. I had my waer and coffee. I took my own 60 calorie dessert and had a square of Godiva dark chocolate. My contribution was the arugula, asparagus, and mushrooms. :)

On both days, I kept the intake at breakfast/lunch very low to balance what I knew would be larger meals in the evening.

It worked out fine. No bingeing.

So, felt great joy and cheer. It wasn't a very Christmassy-feeling Christmas, but I felt so happy and laughed and enjoyed being with family and eating yummy stuff in moderation.

Onto the New Year....let's get to goal weight!


  1. awesome!!! that is some excellent xmas food control! :) And a loss over the holidays is great! Unheard of for me and I managed one as well.

    GO US!!

  2. You did a brilliant job of sticking to the plan. I'm super impressed with the control over the pizza. That is a trigger for me too.

  3. Good going on the pizza and for staying in control with all that food on hand. Happy Holidays..

  4. Princess, good job on the weight loss; yours was twice as much as mine this week.

    Kudos to those people who told you how great you look!! That must have felt soooo good when you heard those comments. Talk about great motivation! Nice to be notice for looking GOOD instead of being noticed for being fat. I cannot wait to get there...

    Keep up the good work!

  5. Good work on losing over the holidays!!! :)

  6. Wow, you are killing it with the pounds coming off! And so nice to be doted on for the weight loss, it's hard work!


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