Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Two Main Reasons I Wanna Lose Weight and Get Healthier...

Me and My Beloved. I want as much happy, healthy time with this amazing man as I can have on Earth, and then happily spend Eternity with him (no fat worries there).

He's worth it. He's worth it even more than I am. :)  He's loved me normal weight, 300 lbs, and in between. Without a criticism. Without a loss in desire. Without ultimatums. With support whenever I've wanted and needed it.

I'd kind of like to give him back some of the woman he married (ie, less of the me now. hah.)

This is the gal he married:

Yeah, my two main and him. Mostly him. Look at that hunky dude. Sigh.



  1. There's no better reasons in the world to take care of yourself! Those of us who have hunky, amazing men to share our lives with are so blessed!

  2. Thanks, Suzi.

    And AMEN to that First Steps! Very blessed.

  3. I've only had my happily-ever-after life healing love a few years, but I am continually speechless and how healing and empowering it is to be truly loved by a wonderful man. Congrats!


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