Friday, October 1, 2010

Face The Truth Fridays: Met Goal, Back on Track, and The Portion Thing...

702 days and 8 hours to go....

Ahhhh. It's nice to be back in the groove after the less-than-goal loss last week. I know that any loss is a good thing, but I'd prefer to stay on track with the 1 pound and a scosh. :)

Okay, so the weigh-in result:


So, I'm back on the correct loss rate/number to meet my ultimate goal, and I'm actually a bit over my rate/number so far, which is a nice little extra head start.

Total loss from high weight: 46.4

Total Loss of the 98 in 2 Years: 5.4

Loss to go: 92.6

At my worst, I remember looking down at the number to lose--139--and it seemed daunting. That's the size of a not-that-skinny averagish gal that I had to lose to be, NOT to be  skinny, just close to normal. Still overweight by medical charts, just not hugely so. Close to normal weight.

Now, less than 100.

That makes me feel good.

My next goal to continue at the original set goal rate is to lose 1 pound and a scosh by next Friday. But, I'd love to see a 2 lb loss and make the head start BIGGER.

Goal for next week: 251.4 minimum, 250.6 (ideal)

So, what Truth Am I Facing other than the number on the scale?

I can eat less and not freak out. I tested that this week while hubby was out of town. Instead of  my usual 1800 to 2000 cals, I had a 950 day, a 1500 cal day, and a 1700 cal day. Those days of lower caloric intake helped make up for the debacle that was Sunday. Make up for it  and then even move me ahead of goal.

I continue to see the correlation between calming appetite and 2 factors: filling breakfasts and lots of sleep. I always did better eating on days after I slept soundly-- and a lot of hours-- and on days when I ate a solid, tummy filling first meal.

The most filling breakfast that is lower carb that I've found is having the following:

~1 serving of WonderSlim hot cakes with Nature's Hollow sugar free maple syrup with cinnamon (I totally believe the cinnamon is having that positive effect on blood glucose and keeping hunger calmed.) I usually add a teaspoon of some fat for satiety.

~1/2 to 3/4 of a cup of egg whites or Egg Beaters (or an egg and some egg whites) with veggies and cheese (usually low fat)

~2 to 4 cups of water and coffee to fill up the rest.

~I'll occasionally add a small bit of fruit or some coconut water for Potassium.

The calories run about 400. Not bad for me at all and sets me up well to resist a lunch binge.

I've been allowing a bit more carb at dinner to provide the calming effect for sleep. :)

Today, hubby's back (yay) and he went out on errands. We normally have Mexican on weekends, so I asked for a burrito with double shredded chicken breast.

I cut the burrito in half, Tupperwared the half I wasn't going to allow myself to eat, and served myself half the refried beans. I had a few sips of Coke Zero, fresh homemade coffee,  and some water. That's it.

Normally, a visit to Cheen Huaye would be...

*a bowl of tortilla soup
*a side salad with cilantro peanut dressing (insanely delicious)
*chips and salsa, and usually guacamole, too
*a burrito (all of it)--(or all of the tostadas, or the flautas, or the quesadilla, or the fajitas...)
*side of beans (all of it)
*sometimes rice (usually half, but sometimes all of it)
*a sugary drink made from tamarind (love the stuff, even if it's poison!)
*coffee, maybe dessert

Today: No chips or salsa or guacamole (though I'd have liked some on the burrito for healthy fats and Potassium, etc). No soup and salad. No rice. No sugary drink. No dessert.

I had the half chicken burrito with half of the side of beans. Water. Coffee. Yum.

It was really good and I got fiber, protein, and some veggies (it had lettuce, tomato, onions, and a light tomato sauce).

Getting a handle of portions has never been easy for me, so I knew I was better off ordering to-go than eating in, where the temptation to order and EAT more is pretty huge. Especially when those chips and that salsa are right in front of you on the table.

I can have the whole burrito, mind you. Just not at ONE meal. I saved half and if I wanna have it for dinner, there it is. Or lunch tomorrow.

I can eat stuff I want. Just not all that I want. Just not each and every item at once. Just smaller amounts.

Those "justs" are so hard.

But there it is: the truth. I gotta eat less at each sitting if I want my butt to be smaller at each meal.

What truth are you facing today--scalewise or otherwise...

Happy and Fit Friday to you all!


  1. I'm finally realizing that the only person who can defeat me is me! The choices are all mine.

  2. Great point Suzi!
    I was proud of myself for bringing approx 1/3 of our Indian anniv dinner home w/me last night - that was lunch today...
    (Of course in months past I would have EATEN IT ALL)


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