Thursday, September 30, 2010

I Wanna Be A Member of the "Five Percent Club!"

Quote from JOINING THE THIN CLUB by Judith Lederman:

"...according to the National Institutes of Health, 95 percent of people who lose large amounts of weight tend to regain it within the first three years of losing it. The number is smaller with patients who have lost weight through surgery, but it is still significant."



  1. there you went and did it!!! My commitment 2010 is the year for me to lose the weight and I won't stop weight loss blogging until.... gulp.... 1/1/2015

    okey dokey, whatever it takes!!! You in??

  2. I saw that number today too. I cannot believe it is that low. I am definitely going to remain a part of this small and exclusive circle. There is no other option.

  3. I'm a statistic. But I learned from the experience, and this time I WILL be in the 5%!


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