Monday, March 26, 2012

Week One, Ready for Summer: Mini-Goals for Refinding My Footing

Weight: 182.4
Waist: 35 in.

Goals Overall: See previous post.

This week's specific mini-goals:

Weight: lose 1/2 pound and get UNDER 182.

Exercise: to not miss a single one of the minimums, which means 2 strengthening and 4 cardio. And as a special mini-goal this week: stretch every day. I've had joint issues, and I think this will help. I did it Sunday and today. :D

Nutrition: I want to ease back on the way I've let too many starches creep back in. Back to only ONE serving a day, period. This may help again with appetite.
A challenge has been set for this specific week: Try a fruit or veggie or healthful dish that you've never tried before. 

Well, I've had a wide range of freggies having belonged to an organic coop for years. But I'm gonna go on the hunt for something. I can think of a few things I haven't tried (never had jicama or jerusalem artichoke, for instance). I'll see what Whole Foods can show me in this regard. Or I will just find a recipe and TRY that. It's something I kinda see as an adventure. :)


  1. Great week to start out! I like that you are adding stretching! I need to do that too! Thanks for the reminder. Looking forward to the coming weeks.

  2. Jicama is great! You can cook it or eat it raw. I've had it raw & it's got a great crispy crunch & is sort of between an apple & a raw potato, very light on the raw potato side:-)

  3. Jerusalem artichokes taste great, but I can't eat them because they make me crave sugar. You've probably tried celery root already. One of my faves.

  4. I've never had jicama or artichokes period! I need to really start branching out, huh? Have fun trying something new!

  5. Congrats on your success so far. I'm wishing u the best of luck during this challenge. We got this!

  6. I wish you great success! I've honestly never met a veggie I didn't like and enjoy trying different ones in new ways. It helps to keep the diet interesting. :)

  7. I'm so glad to see you here, and without all the responsibility this time!

  8. I really enjoyed looking through your progress pictures. You look amazing. Good luck this week and I'm looking forward to doing the challenge with you.

  9. I've never even heard of those, so I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

  10. Love that you are picking something you see as an adventure. great way to put it!

  11. I need to work in more stretching into my routine too ... Good luck reaching your goals!

  12. Love the goals! Good luck with the challenge... we can do this!

  13. Love the goals! Good luck with the challenge... we can do this!


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