Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Rain Kiboshed the Walk Yesterday, Coop Share Today Has My Fave Pears and good stuff, and may need to see an ortho about left leg, darn...also, PRAY FOR APRIL!

Tanita-san: 178.4, unchanged

I got my sneaks on and went to walk yesterday, and...RAIN again. Rained all evening , just about.

But I may need more rest time. My left leg has not been right since I sprained my ankle. I'm getting a bit of foot drop and numbness. An ortho may be in my future if rest doesn't cure this. Okay, it scares me a little. My knee has been bad for so long, that more problems in that leg I don't need.

On the happy side, here's my list for today's organic co-op share:

  • Tiny Sugar Seckel Pears
  • Baby Crimson Apples
  • Bananas
  • Mini Sweet Watermelon
  • Baby Peeled Carrots
  • English Cucumber
  • Grape Tomatoes
  • Romaine Lettuce
  • Baby Broccoli
  • Seasonal Cooking Greens
  • Turnips
  • Green Cabbage
  • Yellow Onions
  • Small Delicata Squash

I have no idea what to do with turnips. I will need to look up a squash recipe. But dang, I have so looked forward to those tiny, sweet pears (I think I posted about them last year on this blog--adore em).  I also have an added fruit portion that will have:

  • Honeycrisp Apples
  • Red Seedless Grapes
  • Local Florida Navel Oranges
So, good stuff for my fridge and fruit bowls. :)

I'd like to make a prayer request for our Miss April of 30 by 30 blog. She has a criminal stalker. It's causing upheaval--at home and at work. Please pray for justice to be done and tranquility to return and and safety to be upon her 24/7. Thanks.

Be well today. I have to go write cause I totally spazzed yesterday. Not one word. Yes...getting a rusty brain in motion is tough...



  1. I've never used turnips, let us know what you do with them!

    Praying for April for sure!

  2. You're doing so good!

    Honeycrisp are my favorites!!!

    Poor April. That's scary. Hope it ends soon!

  3. I steam the turnips until they are soft and then use salt, pepper and a little margarine on them. I love turnips.

  4. Here are some turnip things to do:

    I had to google because the only thing I could think of was cornish pasties, which is perhaps not the healthy idea you were looking for.

  5. I love turnips....I peel and cut into small cubes, add water and some sweetner( suger or splenda) and bake until soft.....or boil and mash....or mix with butternut squash(after cooking both) and make creamy soup.....great fall vegie imo.

    Hope things get better for April.

    You get a nice selection from your coop.

  6. A number not changing.... no big deal.
    It is YOU who is changing!
    And that's the big deal!

  7. Ah - I live for fall and those tiny seckel pears! And pomegranates!

  8. Hope your leg gets better without help but if not take care of yourself and go in. Scale didn't move for me either, maybe next week. No computer for me just my Itouch but it works, sorta. Praying for April. Take care Mir, blessings!

  9. May I suggest this recipe for the turnips - it's delicious! I tend to make it with Swedes (rutabagas) instead of turnips because I like them better, but I've made it with both and it's good either way. Sometimes I use the spices in the recipe and other times I use this 5-spice blend I found that has most of the same spices anyway. It's so good!


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