Tuesday, November 1, 2011

New Month, New Goals, New Minimally Lower Number...Achy Joints and a Rusty Writer's Brain, but hey, I'm working on the latter starting today!

Tanita-san: 178.4

Sunny day. Nice after the rain, rain, storms, tornado warnings, tornadoes, flood warnings, flooding, rain, mess we've been having.

I can go walk today, at last!

The left leg is still weird since I twisted my ankle in the fall. Some numbness and aching. My knees are, as often happens, a little achey and noisy.

But walk I will.

Breakfast was chicken and some veggie sushi. (Still having those little cravings) Got lots of rest. Fluids are on track.


It's both exciting and a little saddening.

Exciting as all new beginnings can be...but especially since after a many years hiatus, well, um, like 4 years, after the interest of some editors spooked me off. (Yes, fear of failure and success intertwined in my neurotic self.)

So.... I'm gonna start writing again. Writing creatively, not bloggily. FICTION!

I'm rusty--oh, so rusty-- and I think the NaNoWriMo challenge is what I need to lubricate the mind and get back into creator mode. I have no idea what I will start writing today. You're not suppose to take up a previously begun novel...so I must start FRESH. I'll just hit the keys and see what erupts, then take time during the coming weeks to outline and plot with whatever my juicy brain spills out.

Saddening because another year is almost over. And endings can be sort of sad, eh?

I want to end strong: Leaner, more creative, upbeat, full of dreams, more organized, less self-critical, more self-actualized, closer to the multitude of goals that seemed to elude me for so much of my adult life due to my flaws or self-sabotage or chronic illness or fear, fear, fear. The neuroses are gonna have to cave to my desire to conquer and achieve. Out of my way, Negative Self.

And, well, cuter. Can I be cuter by year's end, too? :D I loved the double-takes and compliments I got out and about yesterday. Heck, I even thought I looked smoking in my window reflection. I don't know what was going on, but I looked really good yesterday and the world noticed. hahahah.

If you see me post less frequently, it's the novel challenge.

If you see me post more often, it's also probably the novel challenge, getting me all wordy. hahahah.

Okay, so, Princess Crappy Knees is off to walk and use the walk time to try and begin to nurture some ideas for the writing later tonight. My first fiction writing in a long, long time. Wish me well, k?

And I wish you wonderful things, too!


  1. Good luck, Princess. I'm cheering you on!

  2. Writing can be very cathartic I think especially if your plot relates to life as you know it. I'll be looking forward to buying a copy of your book, signed of course. :-)

  3. I am very excited that you are picking up the quill again. Write on!

  4. How exciting, hope the writing goes well. Plow through it! I'm cheering for you as well!

    And congrats on your body finally being ready to move on to lower territories.


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