Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Now, there's a creative (aka nuts) delusion to justify stuffing in the junky sweets

The Sweets Empire Parts 1 and 2

If you've never read Japanese manga online before, you read it right to left, top to bottom. You can click on the page to go to the next one, or hit the "go right" arrow on your keyboard.

This is a two-part story in a series of often dark stories about teens. Madness (transient or otherwise) or surreal escapist fantasies or skewed perspectives figure in many. The author weaves the characters into a very cool finale, complete with an unnatural natural disaster and "new day" sorta hope. It's an ending that lets

In The Sweets Empire, a gal loses a lot of weight in order to confess her love to a boy in her class who favors thin beauties. But she's derailed by ONE spoonful of a sugary treat snuck into her mouth by a mischievous friend. What follows is ...not normal. Binge eaters will identify in part with her reaction!

The ending of her story is victorious for her, and man, some of us need a full-size poster made out of that last panel.  If cakes and sweets are your downfall, take a look at that panel and repeat like the heroine, "I won't ever surrender to you, evil sweets empire!"

Be well...


  1. There was a time when sweets were my thing but I mostly have that in control now. It is the starch that gets me now. Have a lovely day, Princess.

  2. HAHAHAHAHA!! I LOVED IT!! I always knew sugar was evil; who'd a thunk it's because it's an alien trying to invade us? :D

    Thanks for sharing that link.

  3. Evil sweets empire! I love it! Love the ending, gets the guy and the cake.

  4. LOL!!! I can seriously relate. I love sweets, and whenever I let myself indulge, it takes me days of "withdrawal" afterwards. Once I have it, I crave it.

  5. Hi Princess!

    Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment :)
    I'm really looking forward to it and do hope you stop by my blog again (good for you and your healthy journey, btw!)

  6. Awww thats great! For me they would be potato chips, hamburgers and pizza in the sky rather than sweets lol

  7. I'm with you, Karen n Carbie Girl. I can pass up cake and cookies and candy and such with ease these days. But I've always been a sucker for starchy-cheesy-fatty yummies, like lasagna, pizza, mac n cheese, fries, coquettes, etc. Yep. Put a deluxe pizza or a triple layer choco cake in front of me, I'd rather dive into the pizza. For sure.

  8. Some sweets get me. Brownies are the devil to me. LOL Now to resist pizza. That's a tough one. I don't even want to start thinking about it. Maybe I'll try to find a way to make low carb pizza. :)

  9. Kelly, I haven't had pizza since January. When I get the urge, I nuke some mozzarella string cheese with Rao's marinara or fresh marinara and it has the pizza taste without the pizza starch. I also eat caprese salads more often. When they had pizza at the wake, I just plucked the saucey cheese off one slice (was a tiny blob on my plate), but the flavor was so nice and made me feel like I had pizza. Brownies...I can walk by. ; ) Now, key lime pie or chocolate mousse, that needs some self-restraint.

  10. Happy Thursday to you too! Those sweets remind me of the little bakery by my apartment in Japan, all the little individual cakes and cute things.


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