Friday, August 5, 2011

As of today, officially, no longer OBESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :::bliss celebration dance:::

BMI of 29.9 & no longer obese. Just overweight.
With "Salma" nail polish by Zoya, cause one needs
great glmmering summer golden red nails for a party!
I got on twice to confirm, and you can see both readings!
:D :D :D :D

A lot of work to get here. A lot of work to go to get to goal weight (or revised goal weight, whatever). A lot of work to STAY not-obese. The fight never ends.

But sometimes, you get a great day to celebrate freedom! Freedom from all sorts of fat-related shackles. This is one!


Time for a keep the pounds off...
hair is UP (I hate wearing my hair up, but it's HOT!)


  1. Wow I am so happy and proud of you. Congrats

  2. Congratulations! It's been a long day coming, but you got here!

    Edit: My security word was 'joying'!

  3. Today is a GOOD day, congrats!!!!

  4. Absolutely Fabulous. How about a manicure to go with those toes?

  5. Way to go, Princess. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you!

  6. WOO HOO!!! Happy Dance!! Celebrate!!!!

  7. Amazing job! What an exciting milestone! So happy for you. :)

  8. Woooooooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  9. CONGRATS!!!!!!!! That is awesome, you rock star you! The color on your toenails is beautiful. Your hair up is super cute, weird - most people don't like wearing it down? Always has to be one against the grain, I guess it's our little skinny girl. HA, congrats I am so happy for you!

  10. What a great milestone, congrats to you!!

  11. Good for you! It must feel so liberating to not be classified as obese anymore. Yous should do something special for yourself. :)

  12. That is so amazing - huge congrats from New Zealand!

  13. Fantastic!! I'm so happy for you

  14. What an accomplishment. You look gorgeous! I think you should treat yourself with a gorgeous red wrap dress to show off your hot new curves.

  15. You look GREAT! Congrats on the milestone you have worked so hard to achieve! Good health (BMI) can't be bought, only earned.

  16. Congratulations! I know I've said it before, but the sheer positivity and joy in your blog/journey is downright intoxicating... I consider you one of the most inspiring examples out there in the weight/heath/nutrition blogoshere. In fact, you've inspired me to go after my own (long-delayed) goals. Thank you! :)

  17. Congratulations!!! I'm doing the happy dance for you. Rock on!!!


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